Our Tips for Creating a Flawless Brushed Up Brow Look

Brow styles change from time to time to keep up with the latest trends. Recently, we’ve seen bigger, fuller brows become much more in focus, and this year is staying true to form. One of the biggest contributors to those brushed up brows is brow lamination, which has become extremely popular in recent times. 

Our Tips for Creating a Flawless Brushed Up Brow Look 
[image: nataliya vaitkevich]

Brow lamination explained 

Lamination is a perming process that helps you achieve the brushed up look that so many women aim for in their brows. Although popular, lamination is a chemical process that won’t be appropriate for everyone, and you will need to consider things like allergies and skin type. However, you can still achieve a laminated look at home without chemical treatment, providing you have the right eyebrow kits at your disposal. 

How to achieve the brushed up brow trend 

Opting for the brushed up brow trend from home is an excellent way of achieving a laminated look without the need for specialised treatment. While lamination is undoubtedly awesome, it’s not your only option. A brushed up brow treatment allows you to achieve strikingly similar results without needing to see a specialist. You will need to use brow soap or a brow fixing product, ideally, one that lasts at least 24 hours. This allows you to trial the look before committing 100%, so you know what you’re getting yourself in for. This Brow Fix from EyebrowQueen is the perfect product and can be applied with a spoolie brush from home. 

Are soap brows on-trend? 

Using a soap brow is another great way of crafting the perfect brows. Similar to laminated brows, using soap can help you achieve fuller, lusher brows. You may have noticed this technique trending, with many beauticians on social media showcasing the effects of brow soaps on their channels to great effect. 

It’s a cheap and easy way to add the desired effects to your brow, and the soap often performs better than gels. Two influencers who have been using soap brows to perfection are Georgia Shults and Carlie Fisher. They use their channels to inspire others to try different products, and they have enjoyed incredible success with soap brows recently. 

Given the incredible rise of DIY make-up equipment, you can now achieve those gorgeous, brushed up brows that you’ve always wanted from the comfort of your own home. Providing you use the right products, you should have no problem creating the perfect brows to complement the stunning features of your face. 

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