A Detailed Guide to Baby’s First Foods

It's common for new parents to be a bit overwhelmed by the thought of starting solids and the best way to begin. Baby-led weaning is about giving your baby an array of food options to select from and feeding them themselves. The introduction of your child to solids via baby-led weaning lets them be the boss and explore and pick what they want to eat.

A Detailed Guide to Baby’s First Foods
[image: pexels by meruyert gonullu]

You may have heard about it, but you might not be certain how to go about it. In this article, we have discussed all the details about baby-led weaning to get your baby's journey to their first meal started.

Baby-Led Weaning

The term "baby-led weaning" was coined in 2003 by health worker Gill Rapley. This unstructured and relaxed approach is based on the idea that the baby will be given solid food to eat on their own without the assistance of an adult. 

Foods are typically small pieces of food placed in the baby’s palm instead of being served by spoons. In essence, small portions of various family meals are placed on the baby's plate or tray. Babies can then consume whatever they'd like to eat.

This strategy is an effective method to help babies regulate their food intake. The concept of responsive feeding could also aid in improving eating habits, basing it on the infant's ability to react to signals for hunger and satiety in the same way as breastfeeding on demand. This aids in self-regulation of eating habits and healthy weight increase.

There have been some doubts regarding its nutritional value, and certain studies suggest that growth might be affected negatively. In addition, according to certain studies, babies who adhere to baby-led weaning have a higher chance of being overweight and are at greater risk of having iron deficiencies.

When is the best time to start Baby-Led Weaning?

The introduction of solid foods is best delayed until the baby is six months. This is when a baby's digestive system matures. Some infants may appear to be ready by 5.5 months, whereas others might wait until eight months. It's crucial to be aware of all readiness indicators for every kid. As always, consult your child's doctor in case you're unsure or have any questions.

If the baby is at the age of solid foods, you'll see some signs. Such as:

● Does well with no assistance.

● Is no longer able to push food out of the mouth naturally using the tongue.

● The baby has developed fine motor skills required to self-feed. Food can be picked up using the fingertip and thumb rather than the palm and fingers by the baby. This usually happens about 180 days, although it can happen up to a year later.

● Can chew even if they have got a few teeth or none.

● Participates in dinnertime and may attempt to take food off your plate and place it into their mouth.

Advantages of Baby-Led Weaning

● Purees can be time-consuming. It's easier to modify the meals of the adults to accommodate the baby's needs rather than preparing the meal separately.

● Babies feed themselves, and you can take a bite simultaneously. Weaning babies allows moms to unwind and enjoy eating.

● Baby learns healthy eating habits


Through this process, babies offer the following advantages-

● Self-regulation can make the child more likely to have an improved BMI in the future as per research.

● Self-selection has been proven to increase the weight of underweight infants and promote healthy weight for the majority of infants.

● Experimenting with a range of healthy food choices can help improve food choices later.


Through baby-led weaning, the baby learns the following -

● They are taught to chew before they swallow.

● Take care of the different textures, tastes, sizes, and shapes of food items.

● Fine motor and hand-eye skills through learning to grab food and then move it towards their mouths.

How to Begin Baby-Led Weaning

The most significant advantage is that you don't require any special equipment to get started.

● Find a safe spot to place your feet

The first thing you require is a safe spot for the baby to rest. A highchair is a good alternative, but a parent's lap can be equally as effective.

● Choose appropriate finger foods

The second requirement is healthy, proper finger food. A BLW baby receives an array of nutritious whole finger food items (as well as a little bit of liquid) to pick from and try.

● Begin gradually

Listen to your baby's signals. Begin by offering meals every day and gradually increase them as the child shows signs that they want or require more.

● Make sure you are committed to the process

To follow this method, it is advised to make mealtimes for the family the norm. The reason for this is that babies are most successful in learning through watching and mimicking. 

When everyone is eating together and shares the same meal, the baby feels at home, and eating time becomes a pleasurable time rather than a struggle. 

What food items can I feed My Baby?

The first food for babies should include fresh fruits and soft-cooked vegetables, healthy fats, and carbohydrates. Think soft and easy to chew and take in. When presented with a range of options, babies will instinctively choose foods that will meet their nutritional requirements. Also, if you want to look for healthy and delicious recipes, you can go to pickyeaterblog.com. These recipes are healthy and easy to make.

Effective First Foods for Baby-Led Weaning

● Bananas

● Avocados

● Sweet potatoes

● Soft-cooked or steamed zucchini, carrots, green beans, pumpkins

● Peaches and pears that are very ripe along with plums and melon

● Egg yolk

● Meat or poultry, Liver

● Slices of bread, cooked pasta, brown rice.

Things not to do in baby-led Weaning

What should you not do during the process:

● Don't put food that is finger-sized inside the mouth of your baby. Allow your child to feed themselves.

● Avoid putting pressure on your baby to consume food. It's your job to provide healthy and safe food, but it's your baby's responsibility to decide what amount to consume.

● Don't put your fingers in your baby's mouth to get food out. If a large piece of food is broken in their mouth, teach your baby to let it out using your tongue.

● Do not use distracting devices to make your child remain still during mealtimes. You should encourage them to focus on food.

Tips to remember for safety

The most important thing to remember is baby-led weaning is safe and suitable for infants as long as you safely prepare food and adhere to the basic guidelines. 

Make sure you:

● Do not serve any food items which pose a choking risk. For babies younger than 12 months old, these are whole cherries, grapes or cherry tomatoes, raw veggies, raw apple slices, uncooked apple slices, dried fruits that have not been cooked, large portions of nut butter, hot dogs, huge chunks of cheese or meat as well as fish with bones popcorn, and snacks that are crunchy such as pretzels, chips, or granola bars.

● Always supervise your child while eating. Do not let your baby take a bite of food unsupervised.

● Make sure your baby is sitting straight in her high chair when eating. Do not let her eat when she's crawling, playing, or sitting down, and do not serve food in strollers or the car.

● Be aware of allergic reactions. 

Tips for successful baby-led weaning

The new eater and you will master baby-led weaning in a short time. For a relaxed and low-stress start, keep these tricks in mind:

Buy a large bib

You might want to dress your child in a diaper and an oversized smock or bib. You can also place an old newspaper or a drop cloth on the floor under the high chair.

Begin gradually

In the beginning, it's only necessary to put a couple of portions of food for your baby during meal times. You can overwhelm the baby with too many options.

Do not worry about dishes or bowls at the moment. She'll toss them onto the floor. Simply place the food on the high chair table or tray.

Make foods slippery and easy to hold

Are those soft and delicious food items (tofu, avocado) sliding through your baby's sticky fingers? Grind any whole grain cereals such as wheat germ, wheat, and whole-grain crackers to a powder and then coat the food. 

This will make it easier for your child to grab and eat it; plus, it'll increase the nutritional value of the food items.

Inspire children to have fun

Consider meals with solid foods as a time for play, where the baby is exploring various kinds of textures and experimenting with chewing and tasting. Baby-led weaning is about making babies comfortable with different food items.

Don't try to force 

As your baby gets the nutrients she requires through breast milk or infant formula milk throughout the first year and beyond, don't be too surprised when they are eating only a tiny amount at the beginning. Let her determine the pace. As they grow more confident and begin to eat more frequently, they'll slowly reduce the intake of formula or breast milk to eat the solid food that they enjoy.

Be flexible 

Keep in mind that baby-led weaning like many other parenting methods isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. You can opt for baby-led weaning at times and alternate it with spoon-feeding.

Can My Baby Eat Enough Food?

Breastmilk (or formula) is the baby's diet during the initial phase of their lives. The main purpose of solids in the initial period is to help introduce the baby to new flavors and textures while also helping her chew and take food in.

If your baby is gaining normal weight and is thriving and eating well, it means they are getting enough food. Baby-led solid feeding will ensure that the baby knows whether they are hungry or full and what they need to satisfy their nutritional requirements.

If you are struggling with weight gain issues, there is no reason not to put some juices, smoothies, or fats like avocado or butter. Weaning for babies does not have to be all or nothing. Work with your doctor to figure out what's most effective for you.

There isn't a single ideal method to introduce solid foods to your infant. If you experience slow progress with baby-led weaning, you can try a different feeding method. 

Some mothers allow their babies to chew on soft pear slices. Others prefer feeding food via spoons like meat that has been pureed as well as bone broth. Some parents make smoothies, which infants can drink via straws if the family is out and about. 

Be aware that you can explore different methods of feeding suitable for your family's needs and lifestyle. If your baby does not seem to be at the right stage, that's okay too. Give them one or two weeks, and then restart the process.

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