A Useful Guide On How To Brighten Dark Spots And Get A Clear Skin

Most people want clear skin. It’s one of the most coveted beauty traits, and for good reason. Clear skin can make you look younger, healthier, and more put together. But if you’re struggling with dark spots or other blemishes, achieving clear skin can feel like a daunting task. From toners, serums, and creams to DIY beauty regimes, here are 9 things you can do to brighten your skin and clear it up in no time.

A Useful Guide On How To Brighten Dark Spots And Get A Clear Skin
[image: unsplash by fleur kaan]

1 - Hydroquinone serum for the skin

Hydroquinone is a skin-bleaching chemical. When you use hydroquinone serum for the skin it lightens dark spots or patches of hyperpigmentation including freckles, age spots, and melasma caused by pregnancy. It works by interrupting the biochemical pathway that creates melanin in your body. Use a very small amount on your skin and wash your hands immediately after use. If you begin to experience irritation, reduce the frequency of use and consult your doctor.

2 - Use moisturizer with an alpha hydroxy acid serum

Alpha hydroxy acids help the skin shed dead cells more quickly and stimulate collagen production. They also help to lighten dark spots and discoloration and improve the skin's texture and tone. Apply a moisturizer with alpha hydroxy acids to your skin after washing and allow it dry for a few minutes before applying any other skincare products.

3 - Vitamin C serum for the facial skin

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that brightens and evens out skin tone. It also helps to reduce acne scars, fine lines, and wrinkles. Vitamin C serums are available in many concentrations, so check the label of any products for vitamin C before you buy them.

4 - Apply sunscreen every day

Sunscreen will help to lighten dark spots and protect your skin from further darkening. Apply sunscreen daily with an SPF of 30 or higher with both UVA and UVB protection. It is important to apply sunscreen before you leave your house, not after. Reapply sunscreen every two hours, and immediately after swimming or sweating to protect your skin from further darkening.

5 - Use a topical retinoid cream

Topical retinoids are derived from vitamin A and include prescription and over-the-counter creams. They help to lighten dark spots by increasing cell turnover, encouraging new skin cells to grow. Apply a topical retinoid cream to your skin once or twice a day at night. Avoid the eye area and use sunscreen during the day when you're using a topical retinoid product.

6 - Keep your skin clear with an effective beauty regime

An effective skincare routine will help to prevent dark spots, clear your skin and lighten any spots that do appear. The Korean 8 step skincare routine gained notoriety recently. It includes the following:

Step 1 - Do a double cleanse. Wash your face with water, or an oil cleanser and wash with a foam cleanser

Step 2 - Apply toner with antioxidants to your skin.

Step 3 - Apply essence

Step 4 - Apply an ampoule

Step 5 - Apply your serum

Step 6 -  Apply an eye cream

Step 7 - Apply a moisturizer or a sleeping pack (at night)

Step 8 - Apply sunscreen (only in the morning)

7 - Drink lots of water to keep the skin hydrated

Water ensures all organs in the body are hydrated and can promote overall health. Drinking water regularly, at least 8 glasses a day reduces fatigue, which can help to improve your skin's health. Flushing toxins through the body also keeps the skin healthy and helps to detoxify the body.

8 - Exfoliate your skin regularly

Exfoliating your skin helps to unclog pores and remove dead skin cells, revealing new skin underneath. It also stimulates collagen production and helps to prevent acne breakouts. Exfoliate your skin once or twice a week, depending on the sensitivity of your skin. Don't exfoliate if you have active breakouts or open sores on your skin. There are several different types of exfoliant. We recommend using either an enzyme exfoliant or a sugar scrub.

Benefits of an enzyme exfoliant

Enzyme exfoliants contain fruit enzyme powders that break down dead skin cells without causing irritation or redness. They help to brighten dark spots, improve dark under-eye circles and reduce fine lines. They also help to prevent acne breakouts by exfoliating the skin gently, but thoroughly.

Benefits of a sugar scrub

Sugar scrubs contain granules that help to physically exfoliate the skin. They also stimulate collagen production and remove excess oil from the skin. They are often considered to be harsher than enzyme exfoliants, but they tend to be less irritating to people with extremely sensitive skin. If this is you, you can DIY your own sugar scrub with fine sugar (so as not to damage the skin), coconut oil, and honey. There are some lovely options on the market if you don't trust the DIY route. Look to Lush or Korean brand Skinfood for some of the best options out there.

9 - Use a facial toner that will brighten up your skin

Facial toner with witch hazel is instrumental in brightening the skin, especially after you've used a chemical exfoliant. They help to shrink the appearance of pores and tighten sagging skin. Witch hazel acne treatment is derived from the witch hazel plant, which has astringent properties. When applied to the skin without alcohol or other harsh chemicals, it can be extremely beneficial to overall skin health. Alcohol dries out the skin and causes your pores to appear larger than they actually are, which is why you should avoid it when looking for a facial toner or astringent.

[image: unsplash by autumn goodman]

Many people struggle with dark spots, acne as well as acne scarring. There are a plethora of products on the market that claim to fix these issues, but it is really difficult to sift through this. If you have a dark complexion or want to get rid of your acne scars, there are plenty of ways that you can do so on your own. From DIY beauty regimes to hydroquinone serum, topical retinoids, and more, these have been a few ways that you can make your skin look its best in no time at all.

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