The Ultimate Guide to Saving on Amusement Park Tickets

You are not alone when you want to save on amusement park tickets. Parks are a great place to go no matter your age or whether or not you have a family. It also makes excellent family vacations, solo memories, and enjoying life. Before you make your next trip, however, you should think about how you can go about saving money. 

The Ultimate Guide to Saving on Amusement Park Tickets
[image: pexels by lisa fotios]

In many cases, parks are costly, and though the price for many is worth it, times are getting harder, and you shouldn't have to sacrifice your next vacation. Thanks to the tips that we have below, you won't have to because you’ll be saving on tickets

Know Where You Want To Go And How Long You Will Be There

The universal truth is that parks compete, which means that some parks are cheaper than others. When you want an affordable family vacation, you should first consider where you want to go and what can fit into your budget. Once you have done that, think how long you will be there. 

You will find that most of the famous parks will offer three-day passes, hopper passes, and specialty passes to ensure that you can see the park in its entirety. The great benefit here is that these options can save you hundreds of dollars in the long run, making them two vital parts of planning your vacation. However, if you still want the most expensive park, there are ways to save and ensure that you can make it. 

Utilizing A Longer Stay, See Everything And Save Hundreds 

You will find that because parks want you to stay longer, they offer steep discounts to entice you to stay longer. For example, you will find that a garden that provides a four-day ticket will cost you less than getting two-day access in most cases. An example would be to look at popular parks like this. A one-day ticket is usually a hundred dollars (give or take). However, you will find that a four or five-day pass is usually around three hundred. Those savings offer you two days for free when you add it up. 

Another option you can take is to see every park they have if they offer more than one. For example, a popular park in Florida has two different themes. One is the central park, and the other is a new area based on a popular franchise. To see both individually would cost you an arm and a leg. However, buying a pass that lets you see both saves you over a hundred dollars. 

The same is true for more well-known parks. Another example would be to think of a franchise that has four parks. If you visit them individually, you could spend almost eight hundred dollars depending on what tickets you buy. However, purchasing a hopper pass will let you see all of them for a fraction of the price, and you could end up saving over five hundred dollars, making it a much better deal. 

Saving On Tickets Is Easy When You Are Military 

When you are interested in saving on tickets, you will find that being in the military or having retired in the military will do you some good. Military bases have an office that is known as the ITT. It is where you go for information and tickets. With theme parks, you will find that they offer great military discounts (some let active members in for free, and others provide an active service member and their spouse in for free) and offers for passes that other locations don't offer. 

A great example is if you don't want to pay for food in the park, you can bundle park tickets with food and parking vouchers at your ITT office. In addition to this, you can get hopper passes, four-day passes, and you have discounts on any park imaginable. That is a unique opportunity to see theme parks that are a bit off the grid. You should know that the food and parking vouchers are not available for every theme park. It is a relatively new idea that parks are trying, and some don't consider it worthwhile. As a result, you will see that some offer them and some don't. 

The best part of this is that the military personnel can get tickets for the family so that you can enjoy the park together. However, there are rules that you will need to keep in mind. The most hopper passes that most bases will allow six (though exceptions are made if you have more than five children), and the military must be with you when you use the passes, or they won't be taken. One tip for families with a lot of people in them, however, is that if you need twelve tickets and you need to stay within the six ticket limit, you can do it if you have two people in the military because each person can get six. Both people will have to be there at the park with you, though.

Finding Discount Tickets At Your Local Store

Saving on tickets is also easy when you go to your local Costco. The stores have a customer service area that will help you get discounted tickets, though you should know that this only happens a few times a year. You will notice that it is labeled as a travel section. You must keep in mind that you need to purchase the tickets as part of a vacation package. Despite that rule, you still save hundreds of dollars. 

Sam's Club has begun to do this, and members have said that it is a great way to find discount tickets and options for a great vacation. It is the same time of setup, and like Costco, you should take note that these tickets only appear on sale a few times throughout the year, so you will have to be vigilant. Thankfully, the people are friendly and will help you in any capacity they can and know when the tickets will be available and cheaper again in the future. 

AAA Saves More Than Just Your Car 

If you are a AAA member, you already know that they can save your car in a hurry. You may not know that you can save an astronomical amount on theme park tickets. You will find that your favorite theme parks are included, and you can get multi-day passes for cheaper ensuring that you can take as many people as you like and have the best vacation of your life. The best part is that AAA doesn't cost a lot, and it makes an excellent option for gaining cheap tickets and keeping your car safe at the same time.

Utilize Your Birthday Every Year

You will have to know that not every theme park will do this for this tip. Only certain ones do but take advantage of it immediately if it's somewhere you want to go. For those that don't know, your birthday is a great way to score free food, clothes, and gifts from just about anywhere you want. Most don't know that you can score theme park tickets at a discounted price and, in some cases, more than fifty percent off! If you want to go to your absolute favorite park, why not go when you can save fifty dollars or more? While that won't help the other people at your party, if you are going with two people or just want to take a vacation by yourself, it will still save you quite a bit of money.

Go On Your Chosen Park’s Website 

Your chosen theme park's website will usually have deals that you can take advantage of, and the site will offer you a savings of at least one hundred dollars. While that isn't as big of a discount as other options on this list, you will still save enough that it makes it worth the effort. However, when looking for a great price, don't discount the website because it may work better than other options for you depending on what you do or don’t have access to. 

Be Careful When Saving On Tickets 

When you are saving on tickets, you need to be careful about where you go. Many sites claim that they are affiliated with the park, and they are not. Remember, only the park site is affiliated with the selling of tickets. Watch out for sites that claim to have the best deals, want you to meet in weird places, or say that you can pay in cash only. You need to be careful of these red flags when you don't want to be taken advantage of. 

Finding Tickets At Their Best Price

When you want to visit your favorite theme park, utilize the tips we have given you here. You will find that you have the best options available to you, and you can save thousands depending on how many people you take with you. Take the time to do your research, and you will find that you have a great vacation as a result. 

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