Tonight Is the Night: 9 Awesome and Romantic Date Night Ideas

Life always gets in the way. You’ve been planning a date night for months, but each time it comes up, the kids have the practice you have to work late or one of a million other issues. You deserve to have a night out as a couple, so we’ve put together some of the best date night packages for you. It doesn’t have to break the bank. Date night just has to bring you and your significant other closers together.

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It helps to rekindle the spark that brought you together before work, children and life overtook those late nights walks and late-night cuddling.

Date Night Ideas at Home

We know that not always people can just leave their home. Maybe you couldn’t find a babysitter, or you don’t want to leave your children at home. After the kids go to sleep, rent a movie and bring out a bottle of wine.

Watch the movie you saw on your first date or one that has special meaning to you. Better yet, why not create a theatre in your backyard.

You can rent an outdoor movie setup and bring the feeling of a big screen to your home without the crowds and need to be quiet. You’ll sit and cuddle talking about the movie without interruptions from noisy theatre-goers.

Check out these rentals and see which fits your perfect movie night.

Go See A Play

It may not be a Broadway show, but many small communities have theatre groups that put-on plays. Why not buy a couple of tickets and make a night out of it? Visit your favorite restaurant and then head to the local theatre for a play.

You’ll be surprised the quality of local theatre and you might even meet the cast afterwards. You might even know members of the cast.

When it’s over, head to a nice bar for a few drinks and conversation or a late-night sundae.

Go Hiking and a Picnic

You’ll find a few things in this world as beautiful as Mother Nature. The colors of the forest and the sounds of animals make a perfect date night. Find a nearby national park and make a day out of it.

Pack a picnic lunch and head out. If you and your significant other love nature, then hiking through a forest and passing by waterfalls will rejuvenate your relationship. Don’t forget a bird book to identify birds and to pack plenty of water.

Visit a New Restaurant

Routine and monotony is hard on a relationship. Doing the same things and visiting the same places year after year can wear down the excitement of being together. Why not work outside the box and find a restaurant you’ve never been to before.

You may have to travel to a new town or see what businesses have opened, but date night at a new Stouffville restaurants with a new atmosphere and new food can be magical. You’re taking a risk and creating a memory that will last forever. It might become your new favorite restaurant, or it could be a story you’ll remind yourselves about for years.

Play Board Games at Home

Is money running a little short and date night coming up fast? Don’t cancel because of money, adapt. Why not have a night playing board games just the two of you. There are classics like Boggle, Monopoly and Life and new games like Cards Against Humanity and countless others.

You’ll laugh and have fun as you travel around the board. It’s not about winning or losing but being together and connecting as a couple. Date night isn’t about lavish spending and adventure, it’s about being together with one on one.

Drive Anywhere

The adventure of the open road has enticed poets and playwrights for decades, and you can embark on it too. It doesn’t have to be a cross-country trip, just gas up the car and see what’s out there.

You can start with a plan or let destiny take you whatever direction you choose. You can find off the beaten path stores and attractions that you would have never seen without traveling the open road. You can take the interstate or back country roads that you’ve never traveled before.

It’ll be an adventure and bring back the excitement that you had when you first met when the world was an adventure.

Go Camping

There’s no reason why date night can’t be an overnight event. Let grandma and grandpa take the kids and embark on a camping adventure, just the two of you. Your level of camping depends on your choices.

You rent an RV and enjoy all the comforts of home while deep in the woods or you can buy a wall tent for sale and homemade fire. Bring a camping stove and food or prepare meals over the fire. Camp with friends or just the two of you.

Imagine laying on a sleeping bag with all the stars above. Is there anything more magical?

Take on the Local Sites

You live in an area filled with fun activities, so why not take advantage of them. Go to a nearby bowling alley and play a few games. Don’t forget about mini-golf with its crazy holes and weird terrain. There are movie theatres, go-carts and so much more.

Look up some of your area's events and activities and plan a night.

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Do you and significant other love to cook? With so much going on, it’s possible more meals come out of a box that is prepared fresh. Find a few recipes you might like to try and plan a date night around it. It can be a fancy meal with many courses or something small and simple.

What’s important is you’re doing it together. Choose the recipes, get what you need beforehand and spend the night cooking and enjoying what you created.

Don’t Forget About Date Night

Date night ideas don’t have to be complex or take lots of money. It just takes the two of you enjoying your life together. Don’t discard date night or dismiss it because you don’t have the time.

Your relationship is valuable and deserves you to make time. If you want to learn more about fun activities and date nights, then explore our website.

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