Everything About Video Blogging, or Vblogging

Well... when people hear the word blogging, the first thing that comes to their mind is writing skills. While it was the original concept of a blog, there is a new form of blogging nowadays that involves shooting skills — video blogging. However, the concept is still the same, you connect with your viewers. Video blogging is gaining popularity as a marketing tool for many businesses.

[ photo: pexels.com by stokpic ]

Research reveals that video marketing is here to stay and is showing no signs of slowing down. In early 2017, 63% of businesses were involved in video marketing. In 2018, it went up to 81%. This year, the number is up to 87%. But then again some businesses are still not utilizing videos for marketing their business. One common excuse is that that they lack the right equipment. The truth of the matter is that you do not need sophisticated equipment to get started with video blogging.

This article will guide you on the things that you need to get started with vblogging.

1. Audio

Although you are shooting an online video, you also have to pay attention to your audio. Who will watch your video if the sound sucks? A terrible video can still be salvaged with excellent audio. There are many low-end and mid-level camcorders with a MIC in port. You can buy an external microphone and plug it in your camcorder. Just make sure that your MIC level is decent and you are ready to go. When using your camera’s built-in microphone, be aware of these two factors:

 Environmental.  When shooting outdoors, you have to be aware of electromagnetic interference as it could affect your shooting. For indoor shooting, be aware of air conditioning sounds.

 Position of subjects. Most on-cam MIC will pick up the person shooting the video but the other subjects have low audio playback. So when editing videos, make sure to get the audio properly leveled and equalized.

2. Lighting

Most video experts acknowledge that adequate lighting is necessary for shooting a video. In fact, it is more important than the type of camera you will use. Most modern digital cameras are quite serviceable and have good enough resolution for creating YouTube videos. Take advantage of natural light and make sure that the source of light is always behind the camera.

3. Camera

When shooting videos, a decent camera is enough. You do not need to buy an expensive top-of-the-line camera model.  However, there are certain criteria you should look for when looking for a camera:

Video format:  Some camera models will require you to install special software for converting on-cam video into standard video formats. However, you should look for a camera that natively records videos in the format understood by your video editing software.

Sound:  Choose a camera that has an external MIC-in.

Storage:  Most cameras have an internal HD for storage. However, you can opt for a camera using SD card for storage. SD cards allow easy transfer from your camera to the computer without the need for cables. You can bring several SD cards in your camera case in case you need more storage.

Battery: Some camera models can only be charged via USB or power cable. Look for a camera that comes with a replacement battery and can be charged independently. You do not want your camera running out of battery in the middle of an important shoot. Having an extra battery will allow you to shoot videos for as long as you want.

Size: The size of the camera is an important consideration when video blogging. Look for a sleek and small camera that can fit into your pocket ready for taking shots anytime. Otherwise, you will need to carry your equipment wherever you go.

4. Screen Capture

You do not need to buy a camera to become a video blogger. Even with software like Camtasia or Screen Flow installed on your computer coupled with an audio track and you are ready to take your first video blog post.
Take these points into consideration and you are ready to take your first video blog post.

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