Intensive Outpatient Program- What Is It, And How Does It Helps?

If a person is suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction, then these residential treatment centers help them out to mitigate the issue. With the help of the intensive outpatient program, millions of people have control over their addiction.

This program is designed to provide social support therapies and psychological and behavioral support while they live in their comfort. In this program, people work in several work and education activities and participate in treatment in the morning or at the end of the day.

If you are suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction, you can get help from the Intensive outpatient program in New Jersey. First, however, let us see this program and how it helps people.

What is the intensive outpatient program?

Well, IOP is a small-scale program that does require residential day services. This program offers ambulatory services to an individual who does not meet the inpatient treatment criteria. They offer the service to the patient and can get a discharge within 24 hours of the treatment. 

A group of people who needs more support and acre rather than weekly bi sessions are provided intensive outpatient program. People suffering from milder addictions or primary mental health issues are geared in outpatient programs. 

These outpatient participants participate in therapeutic groups to understand the problematic parts of their lives. With intensive outpatient, a person moves forward to live a healthy and wealthy life and plays a positive role in their lives and others living around.

What kinds of issues are treated in intensive outpatients program?

You must know that these programs are specially designed for people suffering from alcohol and drug addiction. With the help of these treatments, they obtain a healthy and sustainable life. However, several other things are treated with these programs like-

Eating disorders

Bipolar disorders





The chemical dependency that does not need any detoxification

Offering transitional treatment to patients from psychiatric treatment

How long does the intensive outpatient treatment take?

The minimum duration of the outpatient program is nine hours per week into three or four sessions. However, sometimes the time and period can be long and short depending upon the person's condition. Since these programs are services in the outpatient setting, the duration can be longer than any inpatient service.

 Individuals who opt for outpatient treatment live in their homes, reduce the use of expensive facilities, and learn to recover from a sober life. This treatment is usually three to four months, depending on your need.  

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