Child Safety Indoor and Outdoor - Child’s Companion

Child Safety Indoor and Outdoor, Child’s Companion, aprica, graco, child accident, aprica 838

The smile of the baby brings a sweet and warm joy to the parents knowing that their precious child is happy, feeling safe and protected. To ensure that infants grow happily in a safe environment, there are little things which parents can do to protect them from the more serious injuries that can lead to disabilities and even fatalities. Kinderdijk Champions Child Safety Education with Aprica and Graco providing a simple modern solutions to make safety the child's companion, inside and outside.

As we know that accidents can occur indoors and outdoors and most of them can be prevented when safe and prudent precautions are taken. For instance, the increase in car accidents involving infants and children every year is a dreadful reality which highlights the issue of child safety.

Child Safety Indoor and Outdoor, Child’s Companion, aprica, graco, child accident, aprica 838

Recently Kinderdijk held a one-week Child Safety Roadshow Campaign that centres on Kinderdijk’s commitment to strongly remind parents and guardians to be wary and to take all necessary precautions to safeguard their children’s safety. The roadshow held from 14th Oct 2013 in Mid Valley Megamall, also showcased a line of Aprica and Graco child safety car seats, strollers, baby carriers and travel systems, all of which are designed in line with the principles of paediatrics and childcare engineering to enhance childcare and create a fun family life. 

Child Safety Indoor and Outdoor, Child’s Companion, aprica, graco, child accident, aprica 838

Child Safety Indoor and Outdoor, Child’s Companion, aprica, graco, child accident, aprica 838

Child Safety Indoor and Outdoor, Child’s Companion, aprica, graco, child accident, aprica 838

Child Safety Indoor and Outdoor, Child’s Companion, aprica, graco, child accident, aprica 838

A crash test analysis conducted by the Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) in 2010 revealed that an adult passenger will not have the required strength to prevent an infant or a child from being thrown forward during a collision at any speed applied. More frighteningly, at a vehicle driving at the speed of a mere 50km per hour, an unsecured infant weighing 7.0kg will actually be thrown forward at a powerful force of 240kg/sq2 from a five-storey building. These numbers reveal that infants are the most vulnerable passengers and a high percentage of children in Malaysia were unfortunately killed during road accidents; more than any other causes known to date.

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