What to Expect During an Extended Tummy Tuck Procedure

Before undergoing an extended tummy tuck, you should consider a few things. This way, you can make sure you're making an informed decision. Even so, you might wonder what to know about the procedure. If so, you've come to the right place!

Here's a look at what processes you can expect during an extended abdominoplasty.


Before the actual procedure, you usually have to get a detailed consultation with your surgeon. During this time, they explain more information about the process and address your concerns.

Note that they usually expect you to know what is an extended tummy tuck. Even so, they explain everything you need to know about it.

They also look at your health and medical history. So, it includes previous surgeries, complications, and medications. This way, they can determine if the procedure is safe to do with the condition.


On the day of the surgery, the first important step is when a qualified medical professional administers general anesthesia. It helps you stay pain-free during the entire procedure.

This way, the surgical team can focus on giving you the best care possible. At the same time, it lets them be sure you're comfortable and well taken care of.


During the abdominoplasty procedure, your surgeon makes a careful and precise horizontal incision. This incision usually extends around the waistline, sometimes even reaching towards the back.

Note that the length of the incision varies based on the amount of excess skin they should remove. So, it's about achieving the desired outcome through a meticulous and tailored approach.

Skin Removal and Muscle Repair

A part of the procedure includes carefully separating the skin from the underlying tissues. They move up to the ribs and create a precise skin flap.

They also repair any weakened abdominal muscles with their expertise. If there's excess fat, they skillfully remove it through advanced liposuction techniques. As a result, you can get a comprehensive and pleasing outcome.

Note that it can still vary for different types of tummy tucks. You can learn more about the tummy tuck procedure of your choice to set your expectations.

Re-draping Skin and Closing Incision

Your surgeon will carefully stretch the skin flap downwards to achieve the desired result. Here, they precisely trim off extra skin to be sure it looks neat and visually pleasing.

After they close the incision using sutures, they create a new hole for the placement of the navel. This way, it completes the transformation.

Post-Procedure Care

Knowing what happens during a female tummy tuck before and after requires you to understand post-procedure care. In most cases, you will usually have a drain tube that removes extra fluid.

Moreover, you have to wear a compression garment to reduce swelling. It gives gentle pressure and support to the area that needs it.

Some doctors may also require you to take specific medication or follow recovery instructions.

Understand the Ins and Outs of an Extended Tummy Tuck Procedure

Understanding how an extended tummy tuck works helps you get the best results. Not only does it help you set the right expectations, but it also makes you feel at ease knowing what comes next. And so, you can get your desired results while staying comfortable throughout the process!

You can check out the rest of our blog to find out more.

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