How to Deal with and Prevent a Chafing Rash?

If you have a sensitive skin type, chafing rashes can happen at any time. A chafing rash is one of the most uncomfortable and painful things that can happen to your body. Not only does it hurt, but it also leaves embarrassing marks that can make you self-conscious about showing skin in public.

How to Deal with and Prevent a Chafing Rash?
[image: pexels by anna shvets]

Fortunately, by knowing how to prevent chafing rashes and treat them, you can avoid these problems and live an everyday life free of embarrassment or pain.

What Is A Chafing Rash?

During exercise, sweat can cause your skin to meet an abrasive surface or another area of skin. It is what causes chafing to occur. The constant movement of your body against itself or an external object can irritate your skin and cause it to become red, sore, and in some cases infected. It’s important not to ignore any pain that develops during exercise because you may end up dealing with severe damage.

Why Does A Chafing Rash Occur?

These are the three main factors that give rise to chafing rash:

● Continuous rubbing between skin and clothing

● Unprotected exposure to heat or sweats

● Unattended hygiene after exercise

Tips to Prevent Chafing Rash


It may seem like an obvious step, but it’s one of those simple things that many people overlook. Whether you’re dealing with a run in your tights or chafing rash caused by sweat, make sure to wash that area as thoroughly as possible.

Just make sure not to rub too roughly if there is any broken skin or blisters. Try exfoliating now and then, which can help prevent ingrown hairs from forming later.

Wear Breathable Fabric Clothes

When you run or work out hard, your body sweats to keep itself cool. It causes moisture to build up and clump together. And clothing made of synthetic fabrics can make chafing rash worse by trapping moisture against your skin.

Wear thin, breathable clothes made of cotton instead, and they’ll help wick away sweat as it occurs. Don’t wear anything too tight, either; stay away from leggings that might restrict circulation in your thighs, for example.

Properly Applying Body Glide

If you’re trying to avoid chafing during an extended outdoor adventure, your best bet is to apply Body Glide every time you change your dress. It’s non-greasy and easily applied in seconds; rub a few dots into any chafe-prone areas before you put on your next layer of clothing.

It works best if it’s not on your skin for too long, so reapply often while sweating or when you change your clothes, but don’t use more than necessary, or it can take longer to dry off.

Treat Your Skin Before You Exercise

One of the easiest ways to prevent chafing is to keep your skin moist before you exercise. Invest in body powder, which has anti-chafing properties, or some form of deodorant designed for athletes. Be sure to apply these products immediately after showering so that your skin has time to absorb them before you head out for your workout. 

Wear comfortable underwear and clothing that allows for airflow. Do not sit in one place for too long—get up occasionally to stretch your legs or walk around. If you experience severe discomfort during exercise or physical activity, there are steps you can take before putting on your workout clothes. Apply antiperspirant to areas prone to chaffings like underarms, inner thighs, and groin area.

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