
Ways To Help Your Elderly Ones With Mobility Issues

As we grow older, many of us will experience mobility issues. Whether it's due to age-related illnesses or chronic conditions, these challenges can be difficult and frustrating for those affected. For family members and caregivers, it can also be a source of stress as they try to ensure their elderly loved ones are safe and comfortable in their home environment. Fortunately, there are several ways you can help your elderly ones with mobility issues so that they can remain independent for as long as possible.

Ways To Help Your Elderly Ones With Mobility Issues
[image: unsplash]


1. Find a Disability Rental Housing

Disability rental housing, or DRH, provides specially adapted apartments and homes designed to meet the needs of those who have difficulty accessing traditional living spaces due to physical limitations. With features such as ramps, grab bars, widened doorways and hallways, raised toilets, and lowered counters and sinks, these accommodations allow disabled residents to live independently in their homes. 

With that, it's important to research the availability of DRH in your area and learn more about how to apply. Most disabled housing for rent is offered through government-backed services. You may need to contact your local housing authority or a social worker to get the process started.

2. Adapt Your Home

If your elderly relative is living with you or in their own home nearby, there are several modifications you can make to ensure they have enough space and independence. Installing ramps, grab bars, removable shower seats, and other adaptive products can help them move around more easily.

[image: unsplash]

It would help if you also considered widening doorways or hallways so that walkers and wheelchairs can pass through without obstruction. It's best to visit an occupational therapist or other medical professionals specializing in home modifications to receive personalized advice and recommendations based on their unique physical needs.

3. Provide Mobility Aids

Mobility aids such as canes, walkers, wheelchairs, scooters, and power chairs are invaluable for those with mobility issues. However, it's important to choose the right one based on their needs and abilities so that they can move around safely and independently.

For instance, manual wheelchairs require users to be able to use their arms for propulsion, while power chairs provide an electric-powered option for those who struggle with arm strength or coordination. It's also important to look for features like adjustable footrests, armrests, ergonomic handles, and locking brakes. Lastly, you should get insurance for a wheelchair if your current insurance doesn't cover it.

4. Create a Support System

It's important to create a support system that will help your elderly ones with mobility issues. This includes family members who can provide emotional and physical support and medical professionals such as occupational therapists, physical therapists, and nurses.

It's also beneficial to join local organizations or programs so they can connect with other individuals who are experiencing similar challenges and offer advice or assistance if needed. Having a support system in place can make a huge difference and provide the encouragement they need to stay independent for as long as possible.

Following these tips can help your elderly with mobility issues remain safe and independent in their home environment. Whether finding suitable disability rental housing or providing the right mobility aids, there are many ways you can make a difference in their lives. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact medical professionals specializing in home adaptations and mobility aids for advice and guidance. With your help, your elderly loved ones can stay safe and comfortable as they age gracefully.

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