
Sustainable Style - 4 Ways Fashion Brands Need to Change for the Good of the World

More and more fashion brands are seeing the importance of protecting our most vulnerable people, our natural resources, and our planet’s future. We understand the impact our waste is having on the planet, and we know that members of our community are not being given the opportunities they deserve. However, not every manufacturer or brand knows where to begin. 

Sustainable Style - 4 Ways Fashion Brands Need to Change for the Good of the World
[image: Unsplash by Keagan Henman]

If you need a helping hand, here are four ways your fashion brand may be able to change for the good of the world. 

Make a Social Commitment

One of the first and most important changes your fashion brand could make involves people. Adopt a social procurement framework by making goods purchases from businesses in the social and disability enterprise sector. 

You may also decide to make your workplace more inclusive by hiring employees from all backgrounds and walks of life. Unreasonable barriers to employment shouldn’t exist, and your brand can lead the way in pushing for positive change. 

However, your social commitment can go much further. You might offer excellent working conditions, liveable wages, health insurance, training and development opportunities, and more. In return, you’ll benefit from an engaged workforce, increased productivity, and a higher staff retention rate. 

Consider the Environment

While we may never achieve a zero-waste world, we can all do our best to limit the impact we’re having on the environment. Fabrics and clothing manufacturers can play a considerable part in this. 

You can use non-toxic detergents and dyes, install renewable energy sources to power your factory, and be responsible with your construction choices. For example, if you’re building a new office or factory, avoid using land where critical species live. Instead, where possible, make use of damaged land that is no longer fit for animal habitat or has long been abandoned for that purpose. 

Even something as simple as exceeding local environmental regulations could be how you lay a foundation for a more sustainable fashion brand that makes your customers proud. 

Take Care with Fabric Choices

We have more fabric choices at our disposal than ever before, with many being used to make gorgeous garments that customers love. However, there can be value in paying careful attention to where your materials are coming from and their environmental impact. 

Before releasing a new range, look at the resource demands of the material and its production, examining factors such as water, land, and energy. You may also decide not to use fabrics that are manufactured using fossil fuels, such as polyester. Most importantly, focus on quality so that each garment you produce lasts the distance. 

Make a Plan for Waste

Millions of tons of textile waste are sent to landfills each year. While some of this waste may not be avoidable, there are many ways to reduce waste at a manufacturing level. 

Develop solutions for repurposing fabric waste, and don’t throw away garments that have production errors. Instead, discount them so people with the skills and time to fix them can purchase them. 

You may also wish to consider removing single-use plastics from the production line, using eco-friendly packaging, and establishing a repair and upcycling program. There are so many ways to make a difference, and there’s no time like the present to begin. 

Everyone needs clothes, and many consumers are trying their best to make sustainable purchases to benefit the environment. However, unless fashion brands make significant changes, consumers can only do so much. Now might be the right time to address your brand’s sustainability and make changes for the good of the world. 

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