
How to Stop Ingrown Hairs for Good

Anyone that has ever shaved any part of their body knows the pain of ingrown hairs. Unless you’re getting laser hair removal, any other method for removing hair will not stop the hair follicles from growing more strands over time. When the hair stops growing away from the follicle and instead reenters the skin on the other end, inflammation happens. An ingrown hair causes a lot of pain, itching, bacterial infections, scarring, cysts, bumps with pus, and hyperpigmentation.

How to Stop Ingrown Hairs for Good
[image: pexels by karolina grabowska]

Ingrown hairs can happen anywhere on the body, but they’re more likely to occur in areas where the hair is coarse and curly. These are usually sensitive zones, such as the armpits or the pubic area, making the whole experience twice more awful. Treating ingrown hairs is a chore, too, because you’ll need to try all sorts of methods, from warm compresses and expensive creams to the even pricier laser hair removal sessions. At this point, it’s more practical in the long run to prevent it from happening altogether. So how to stop ingrown hairs from happening or recurring?

Stop shaving altogether

Shaving is the biggest culprit for ingrown hairs because a lot of people don’t observe shaving hygiene. It may be the quickest hair removal method, but shaving does come with its drawbacks. Regularly shaving one particular spot will also make the skin sensitive and susceptible to cuts. The simplest way to prevent ingrown hair entirely is to let the hair grow freely. Of course, this doesn’t mean letting things go wild; consider trimming when necessary, or if you want to get rid of the hair, there are alternatives to shaving them off.

If you prefer shaving, observe proper shaving hygiene

Prep your skin

If you’re going to shave, you need to know how to do it properly by prepping your skin. Exfoliating before a shave to get rid of dead skin cells that trap ingrown hair is your best chance of avoiding a bacterial infection. Chemical exfoliants like face creams or serums will work but aren’t advisable to use so frequently. Instead, you can wet the skin with warm water and rub gently with a soft washcloth. 

The warm water and the gentle rubbing will get the blood flowing. You can even use a warm compress if you have a couple more minutes. Next, use your regular shaving cream or a special lubricating gel. These will soften the hairs and prevent sharp ends. 

Never use dull blades

You should only go over the skin with a razor one time to avoid irritating it and risking accidental cuts. That’s why it’s imperative to use a sharp razor because dull ones guarantee a patchy shave and will have you going over your skin multiple times. Disposable razors are only good for 1-2 uses, and the blades dull quickly, so make sure to buy a couple of extra razor heads. 

Moisturise after shaving

The exfoliation and shaving will likely irritate your skin; even if you’re doing them right, your skin will not like being subjected to the motions so frequently. Moisturising religiously after every shave will reinforce the skin’s protective barrier and reduce the chances of irritation. Make sure to invest in a good moisturiser to soothe the skin and keep it smooth and hydrated.

Consider other alternatives

Hair removal creams

Chemical depilatories, or hair removal creams and gels, break down the hair’s protein structure to make them come out of the skin quickly with just a wipe. It’s quick and easy, and you’re less likely to miss a spot. 

While they’re affordable and easy to use, you’ll need to do your research and be particular about which ones to buy. The chemicals in the creams can irritate and cause nasty reactions from sensitive skin, mainly when applied to areas such as the face or the armpit. Overall, the brand and the ingredients they use will matter the most when choosing a hair removal cream. 


Waxing is a good alternative to shaving and hair removal creams because it rips the hair out of the follicles instead of just removing them at a surface level. While it does sound painful, you won’t need to do it as often because it will take a longer time for the hair to grow back. It will also need the help of a professional unless you’ve been doing it on yourself for a long time and know what to do to avoid the horrors of self-waxing. 

Laser hair removal

If you get ingrown hair frequently and trying out several hair removal methods hasn’t worked, then it’s time to consider the priciest option: laser hair removal. The procedure will alter the follicles by beaming highly concentrated light to destroy the hair and prevent it from growing back after several sessions. If it grows back, the hair will be thinner, finer, and less noticeable.  

Because laser hair removal is a medical procedure, make sure to consult your doctor and dermatologist to discuss the risks and side effects first before making any decisions.

Ingrown hairs can cause painful skin problems and warrant a curated hygiene routine to keep them from happening. Because hair removal methods often trigger them, it’s essential to reconsider your current routine and see if you should try other alternatives.

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