
9 Simple Ways to Protect Yourself from COVID-19

With the rising cases of COVID-19 globally, it is important to follow health measures for protection from the virus. As simple as washing your hands with soap and water already helps a lot in stopping the virus spread. Doing this does not only to protect yourself but also the people around you.

Covid-19, Protect Yourself From Covid-19, Health
9 Simple Ways to Protect Yourself from COVID-19
[ image: by matusiak ]


COVID1-19 can be easily transmitted through liquid droplets when you have close contact with a person infected. What's even more alarming is you don't know if the people you are engaging with have the virus. Up to 80% of people infected with it do not show any symptoms. 

Therefore, it's even more crucial to wear at least a face mask when in public places. However, some people do not entirely understand the proper, yet simple ways of protecting themselves from the virus. So, to learn these ways, we will discuss them below!

1. Wear a Face Mask

You might already know this, but there is one major reason behind wearing a face mask. Manufacturers of face masks design these with one goal in mind. This is to filter droplets that may contain infectious agents like viruses. The filtration feature has different levels of protection. It starts from 1 (low fluid exposure risk) to 3 (high fluid exposure risk). 

When wearing the mask, you also have to put it properly. Some important reminders you need to remember are: 

Make sure your hands are clean before unpacking the mask.

Only touch the edges of the mask if possible.

Use the elastic bands to wear it on your face.

Avoid touching the outside even when you are still positioning the mask on your face.

2. Observe Social Distancing

This is also another known precaution against COVID-19, but what is the exact distance? Social distancing should be observed at least 6 feet apart from another person. This way, you lower the chance of getting fluid droplets from the person you are talking to. Observing social distancing keeps you in a safe space from contracting the virus when in public. 

3. Avoid Closed Spaces with a Crowd of People 

Avoiding closed spaces with a crowd should also be observed. Examples of these are restaurants, places of worship, and fitness classes. Contaminating the virus in these areas is high. People in these places talk loud, breathe heavily, or shout. 

If you want to eat food from your favorite restaurant, have it delivered to your home. However, observe social distancing and avoid close contact with the delivery man. Have him place the food in front of your door and let him keep a distance while you get your order. Disinfect the food packaging before taking it inside. Wash your hands clean after. 

For your fitness classes or worship days, try to do it virtually. Use online resources to continue your workout routine. You can also watch religious channels on TV or online during worship days.

4. Clean Your Hands More Often

Is it washing or cleaning your hands? It is safe to say clean them often. This is because you don't always have access to water and soap when you are in public places. When you are outside, bring alcohol with at least a 70% solution. This way, you can easily disinfect your hands whenever you touch something. 

When washing your hands, here are the steps you need to follow: 

Wet your hands with water and apply a generous amount of soap.

Rub your palms, back of your hand, fingers, and its gaps thoroughly. Make sure to also check your nails for any dirt inside. Do this for at least 20 seconds. This ensures you get rid of all the microorganisms that are harmful to your health.

Rinse your hands thoroughly with water and dry them with a clean towel.

Apply alcohol after and let it dry by air before touching anything again.

5. Don't Touch Your Face

Viruses and bacteria can easily enter your body through your hands. This happens when your hands touch your face. Make it a habit to never touch your face using your hands. If you need to, use a clean tissue. 

Also, it is helpful to tie your hair when you are outside. This prevents hair strands from touching your face, which may feel itchy. This tempts you to touch your face. You can also move hassle-free if your hair is intact in one place.  

6. Cover Your Mouth and Nose with a Tissue or Your Bent Elbow When Coughing or Sneezing

Make it a habit to cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze. This should be observed regardless if you are in a public place or not. Use a tissue or your bent elbow when you do. If you are using a tissue, throw it away immediately, and clean your hands.

7. Disinfect Your Home Regularly

Disinfecting your home regularly largely contributes to keeping you protected from COVID-19. You have family members who are going in and out of your home. They could be carrying infectious agents related to COVID-19. 

To disinfect your home properly, follow these procedures every week: 

Wipe clean the surfaces in your home with a bleach and soap solution. Make sure to not miss the surfaces that you regularly touch.

Spray the solution in the air as well to make sure you get rid of airborne infectious agents.

Allow the surfaces to dry first before touching them again.

8. Take a Bath Before Going Inside the House

If you are regularly traveling because of work, take a bath before entering your home from work. This is to make sure you get rid of infectious organisms that are on your skin. Let your family members prepare an area in your yard for you to take a bath. Your clothes should be soaked in water with bleach and soap.  

9. Wear the Basic PPE When Visiting the Hospital 

Regular physical check-ups should continue despite the threat of the pandemic. However, be extra careful when visiting the hospital. Wear the basic PPE on your schedule visits. Your PPE should include the following:

Face mask or respirator

Face shield

Isolation gown

Hand gloves

Rubber boots 

Although you may look like a hospital staff with the basic PPE, your risk of getting infected is low. The isolation gown, for example, might feel uncomfortable, but it protects your body from liquid splashes. You can throw away the gown right after your hospital visit. You can also get a reusable one, so it's more cost-effective. 

If you don't know where to buy isolation gowns, you can check online. Different manufacturers produce PPE for COVID-19. 

Being extra careful in this pandemic is important in keeping yourself and others safe from the COVID-19 infection. You should observe simple health precautions as these play an important role in helping stop the virus spread. So, strengthen your protection even more with these simple ways to avoid COVID-19! 

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