
A Guide to Shipping Food So it Stays Fresh

One of the biggest challenges facing any food manufacturer is getting the product from the field to the retailer while it’s still fresh. It makes a big difference to the retail value and customer satisfaction.

Shipping Food Guide, Stays Fresh, Eat at Home, one horse, curiousity, lifestyle
A Guide to Shipping Food So it Stays Fresh
[ image: by norma mortensen ]

If you can’t achieve freshness then it’s likely the customers will go elsewhere. Of course, in the digital age, you’ll find that people are very quick to air their views. Your reputation can be destroyed surprisingly quickly.

That’s why you need to choose the right methods to get your food where it needs to be while it’s fresh.

Pack It Right

The first step is to consider how you’re packing the goods. It’s important that they are wrapped to protect them from the elements. Packaging material will need to be used to fill any space in the box, this will prevent your products from moving around during transport and becoming damaged.

Of prime importance is the air. Exposure to the air will cause your product to age faster, reducing freshness. That’s why it’s essential that it is wrapped as quickly as possible and sealed in an airtight container.

Don’t forget that any packaging material you use must not affect the flavor of the produce your shipping.

Customize The Boxes

Having wrapped the produce properly and considered the right packaging you’ll realize that the right box makes a big difference. For example, the egg box is perfectly designed to ensure the eggs can be carried without damage. You need to create a custom packing box that protects your products and encourages the minimal use of packaging materials possible. This isn’t just a cost-effective approach, it reduces the likelihood of your product being damaged or tainted.

Refrigerated Transport

Of course, the key to getting your product to its’ destination fresh is in the transport. If you use a standard van you’re going to be subjecting it to a variety of temperatures which can be detrimental to the quality and freshness.

The best approach is to use approved refrigerated transport. This is temperature-controlled to ensure the best possible environment for your produce. You’ll also find that the company and drivers are accustomed to handling delicate produce. They are likely to show it more care than the standard delivery services.

Being refrigerated as soon as possible after the produce is picked or created means that it is most likely to arrive at its destination as fresh as when it was created. That’s a big bonus point for you.

Log It

Mistakes can happen in any delivery schedule. It’s important that you log every step of your process and ensure it is signed by the appropriate personnel along the way. It won’t necessarily help your product to stay fresh but it will show accountability, which will encourage everyone to look after your packages.

Logging the journey also gives you a chain of evidence that can be used to defend your reputation, if necessary.

It can take a few moments to consider and design the best packaging options but, when your product arrives fresh you’ll know it was worth it.

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