
Formula Feeding: 6 Vital Tips To Ensure Your Baby Stays Safe And Healthy

Babies may be bundles of joy, but it’s hard to not worry about their health and safety. Paediatrician visits act as a guide to ensure that your little one is developing well, but there are practices worth following on a daily basis to protect your baby’s health.

mom & baby, Formula Feeding, baby, parenting
Formula Feeding: 6 Vital Tips To Ensure Your Baby Stays Safe And Healthy
[ image: unsplash by paul hanaoka ]

1) Feeding:
Any mum will tell you that a satiated baby is a happy baby. That’s why it’s important to feed regularly and gradually develop a feeding schedule via wifi video system. This pattern becomes easier to track and maintain as babies grow older.

Breastfeeding is ideal for babies due to the natural antibodies that this act of care provides. However, mums need not feel less competent if they’re not able to breastfeed. Good quality baby formula can contain many of the nutrients required by a growing baby, but you should pay attention to how your child reacts to it. You might need to try a few options until you settle on the perfect one.

2) Sleeping:
Infants between 1 to 3 months of age sleep more frequently than older babies. While nap time is the perfect opportunity for mums to get some work done, it’s important to ensure that your baby is safe while sleeping.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) can occur at any time and it’s a major concern for most parents. A monitor that tracks the baby’s heartbeat, breathing, and sounds can offer you peace of mind when you’re in a different room while your baby is asleep. You can also take-up basic CPR course to ensure you know how to react during an emergency. 

Your child’s cot should be free of any teddy bears, extra blankets, or small objects. Try to keep babies sleeping on their backs for the first few months and make sure that they’re warm if it’s cold or cool if it is hot.

3) Eating:
Most babies start consuming solid foods at six months. At this point, it’s a good idea to start with pureed foods because this texture is closer to milk, making it easier for babies to swallow. Do not be too adventurous with the food you give your baby at this stage.

The risk of food allergies at early ages is too high since the body reacts to the unknown proteins contained in food as a threat and activates its protective reaction against infections. According to studies, children under the age of 5 are more likely to suffer from food allergies. Most food allergies are caused by milk, egg, and peanut, but it’s important to mention that any food can cause an allergic reaction, depending on the specifics of the body. For instance, some babies have an intolerance to sugar. Sugar allergy in babies doesn’t involve immune system response as in the case of allergies, instead, causes digestive issues. Symptoms of sugar allergy include nausea or vomiting, gas, diarrhea, etc. 

Stick to the same vegetable or fruit for a full week before trying out a new one. This will help you pick up any food allergies before they become a problem. Taking a basic CPR course to assist with choking is also essential for parents.

4) Probiotic:
At some point, your pediatrician will likely suggest giving your baby a probiotic. The good bacteria present in probiotics help to restore the balance of baby’s flora. This will in turn rectify any problems associated with colic, constipation, and regurgitation.

5) Babies and children:
Many mums share their homes with a baby and a toddler or older child. This means you have to basically, have eyes in the back of your head to ensure the older kid doesn’t accidentally hurt the baby.

Toddlers often get excited to touch and hold babies, so teach them to be gentler by saying that they can only stroke the baby’s feet or hold the baby's hands.

6) Home safety:
As babies grow, their need to explore expands. At this point, they can be drawn to things like cords, hard objects, and cupboard doors. Many parents have learned that babies move quickly, and are always one oblivious move away from the danger. As such, crawling babies require monitoring at all times. 

It is natural for parents to be concerned about their babies, and we hope these six tips will help you feel at peace regarding your child’s health and safety. Remember, if you are unsure about anything, always seek help from a professional.

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