
A Caring Problem Shared: Different Generations Under One Roof

In the recent past, there's been an increase in the prevalence of multigenerational living in America. Homeowners and families are discovering the advantages of sharing expenses, chores, and life experiences. In this guide, you'll learn what multigenerational homes are and what makes them such a great option for today's families.

A Caring Problem Shared: Different Generations Under One Roof
[ photo credit Chris Gonzalez at pexels ]

What is Multigenerational Living?
According to information from the US Census Bureau, a multigenerational home is a household consisting of multiple adult generations living under one roof. Multigenerational living allows extended families to live together in harmony.
Communal spaces such as living rooms bring family members together, while spaces such as bathrooms and bedrooms offer some much-needed privacy. When homes have private suites with connecting doors, senior family members can live in comfort, safety, and convenience.

Sharing Expenses Through Multigenerational Living
In some cases, two isn't better than one. Maintaining two homes is harder and more expensive than sharing the expenses and responsibilities of one household. By bringing relatives and resources together under a single roof, families find it easier to meet their financial needs.

Sharing Homeowners' Responsibilities
Distributing responsibilities and chores among family members is an easy way to ensure that everyone is pulling their weight. When younger and more able-bodied household members take over the physically demanding chores, older relatives can free up more time to do other day-to-day tasks.

Strengthening Relationships
While most of today's families only gather on holidays and other special occasions, multigenerational living allows families to see one another every day. By sharing a home, these families develop higher levels of closeness and attachment.

· Grandparents serve as wonderful role models, while grandchildren learn how to connect with and respect their elders.

· Older family members feel more useful when they can help their kids and grandkids by offering life advice and helping with household chores.

· Multigenerational living does much to eliminate loneliness, which is a common social issue for senior citizens. An empty home weighs heavily on the mind and the heart, making a senior feel disconnected from their community and family. Through daily life activities in a multigenerational household, grandparents can live a happier and more fulfilling life.

Families can check out for more useful information on helping seniors strengthen their abilities and successfully age in place.

Ensuring Family Safety
A multigenerational home is a more secure one. With several generations under a single roof, a home seldom stays unoccupied for very long. Living with other relatives increases the likelihood that someone will be there to help an elderly family member in the event of an accident. Another way of helping our elders is to teach them how to be protected online since more and more seniors are now engaged with online activities.

Flexible Home Designs Offer More Privacy
One of the biggest problems a family faces in a multigenerational home is the loss of privacy. However, modern home floor plans are designed to ensure that each member of the family has somewhere to go when they crave solitude. Features and attachments like separate bedrooms, kitchens, and bathrooms allow for separation when family members want it and togetherness when they don't.

Approximately one in six American adults live in a multigenerational home, and that number is steadily increasing as the country's population ages. At Parc Provence, your elderly family member will get the compassionate care they need and deserve. Learn about us online or call today to schedule an in-person visit.

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