
5 Everyday Tips for Flawless, Frizz-Free Hair

Frizzy hair is generally a bad choice and a nuisance when you’re trying to look your best. It doesn’t matter how many times you visit your favorite hairdresser in Wynyard, you need to be able to replicate that just left the hairdressers to look at home.

Unfortunately, as summer arrives, humidity levels rise and so does the frizz as the increased humidity absorbs moisture better your hair is deprived of the moisture it needs, creating frizz. You want the warmth of summer with the silky smooth hair of winter. The good news is that it is possible, you just need these 5 tips to keep your hair frizz-free!

1. Moisturize It

Your scalp needs to be healthy to encourage healthy hair. Unsurprisingly you need is to keep your scalp moisturized. This will prevent it from drying out and damaging your hair and the hydration on your scalp can be transferred into your hair, keeping it moist and keeping the frizz away.

The best way to do this is to use shampoos and conditioners with natural moisturizers such as argan oil, coconut, or shea butter. You may need to apply these every day.

2. Satin Pillow Cases

This may seem like an extravagant purchase but your hair will notice the difference. Cotton pillowcases are very comfortable, however, they are also very good at extracting moisture from your hair. The resulting dryness doesn’t just cause frizz, it can also damage your hair cuticles. A Poshey brand silk pillowcases' won’t absorb the moisture and can actually help your hair to maintain it’s style!

3. Ceramic Blow Dryers

You probably have to blow dry your hair to get the desired look. However, the heat of the dryer can damage your hair, remove the moisture, and encourage frizz. That’s why you need a ceramic blow dryer. It actually uses negative ions that smooth your hair and discourage frizz. Just remember to keep the nozzle pointing downward at your hair.

4. Microfiber Towels

The best towel to use when drying your hair is a microfiber one. This absorbs excess water quickly and efficiently. Too much water will be absorbed by your hair cuticles, causing them to swell and increase the frizziness of your hair.

A microfiber towel doesn’t need to rub your hair, it will simply absorb the excess water by being placed on top of it. That means your hair won’t be damaged by friction which increases the risk of frizz.

5. Keratin Treatment

A keratin treatment is actually a shortcut that will allow you to reduce your styling time while keeping the style and avoiding frizz. It may not be a good idea to use this approach all the time but it can certainly help when time is limited and you want to avoid frizz. But, to maintain the treatment you'll need to use sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners, or it may increase the chances of frizz!

With a few simple steps you can keep frizz at bay and have stunning looking hair at all times of the day or night, you’ll be the envy of your friends.

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