
More Than Just a Watch: 4 Ways Wearables Can Improve Your Health

Unless you’ve had your head in the sand the last few years, you’ll have noticed the huge rise in wearable fitness devices. While these devices have been around for almost a decade, FitBit exploded onto the scene back in 2014 and wellbeing and looking after your health absorbs the culture.

However, while tracking calories and steps can be a great way for people to stay in shape and look after themselves in a world plagued by health-related problems, fast forward to 2020, and we’re seeing wearable devices taking responsibility for so much more. In today’s post, we’re going to find out what!

1. Health Monitoring in Real-Time

While many of us may check our wearable devices throughout the day to monitor our step count or heart rate, usually logging the data into our phones or computers at the end, the wearable health technology has come so far that health can now always be monitored in real-time, and even monitored by healthcare professionals.

For example, if someone has a weak heart, this data can be tracked all the time, every hour of the day, by the wearer of the device, and by a central doctor’s database who can flag up any problems the user may be experiencing, all automatically. This is even being used to spot conditions like hypotension and hyperthermia early on.

2. Tackling Obesity

There’s no denying that obesity and overweight health conditions are causing huge problems in the majority of western societies and there’s no hard and fast rule on how to deal with them. Costing health services millions, if not billions, each year, wearable devices are allowing people to be more mindful of the way they are living their lives.

Wearable devices can be a huge eye-opener when it comes to customer-level health monitoring, and a great way to help people take control of their own lifestyles to prevent problems occurring or developing in the future. If you’re looking to improve your own wellbeing, you can check out sites like braceyourhealth for more information.

3. Improving Care for Elderly People

With a hugely ageing population, it’s impossible for health services to constantly monitor and look after every elderly person with a huge amount of attention, but of course, elderly people are far more prone to serious health conditions, which is where wearable devices are coming into play.

With new technologies, such as Smart Glasses and heart rate monitors, problems can be addressed in their early stages by the individual or by a carer, meaning conditions don’t need to escalate into expensive and potentially life-threatening emergencies.

4. The Prevention of Chronic Diseases

Hand in hand with what we’ve said above, chronic diseases, such as heart disease, asthma, chronic pain, and diabetes, are a huge expense for health services, and being able to prevent these conditions is a priority for governments around the world. Using wearable devices, more people are becoming tuned into what their conditions are, what the triggers can be, and can prevent complicated issues and situations from taking place.

For example, a special wearable the device can be used by a diabetic to track insulin levels in real-time. With the ability to take action as the early stages of a problem start to develop, this prevents an attack from becoming an emergency, which is obviously beneficial for everyone involved.

As you can see, wearable devices are making a huge impact in the healthcare and wellbeing world, and aren’t just being used by fitness freaks and lovers of modern technology. The time for real positive change is here.

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