
How To Protect Your Home From Pests

How To Protect Your Home From Pests

Handling insects or rodents can be a real hassle, especially if an infestation has sprung out of control. The prudent course of action would be to call in the professionals to deal with the problem. But there are ways for you to avoid any pests from entering your home, it will decrease any outside infiltration radically. Take a look below at some of the things you could do to achieve this.

How To Protect Your Home From Pests, Pests Control, Pests, Tips & Tricks, How To, Home & Living, Home, Lifestyle
How To Protect Your Home From Pests
[ photo: pexels by pixabay ]

Prevention is Way Better Than a Cure

Most people tend to leave things lying around, or keep things wide open which is pretty much an open invitation for all sorts and kinds of different pests to come in and make themselves at home. And that's something you want to avoid, you need to control what's going on around your home and inside it to prevent anything from coming in. 

These rodents and pests could spread many diseases; they could sneak into your closets and hide in your clothing and they could crawl into your kitchen and raid the pantries and infect your food. So for the sake of your children and loved ones, you need to inspect everything and take the necessary steps to avoid making it easy for these pests to enter your home.

How To Protect Your Home From Pests, Pests Control, Pests, Tips & Tricks, How To, Home & Living, Home, Lifestyle
Pay Extra Attention To Your Garden and Backyard
[ photo: pexels by mike ]

Pay Extra Attention To Your Garden and Backyard

Understandably, there are times where you feel like you can't deal with all the yard and garden chores, but it’s crucial that you know that it's really important for reasons other than good visuals. DIY pest control solutions at advise that before getting to the extermination process, it’s important that you remove excess shrubbery, trash cans, trees or roots close to the outer walls, as well as bird feeders which provide rats with security, food, and constant water supply. 

So you're basically giving them a nice place to live to start their rat colony, which is why it's imperative that you handle any branches leaning on the walls of your home and trim all the extra vegetation. Rats are known to be excellent climbers, so you should prevent any possible pipe infiltration or roof infestation. 

Double Check Your Gaps

Small details can go unnoticed by many homeowners, but it's for your own good that you seal all your small gaps. Most insects can enter through the smallest entryways possible, so watch out for all the gaps in your garage, attic, and basement. Your electrical lines and pipes are like bridges for these critters to enter your home, they use it to find any possible gap to squeeze through and infiltrate your house. It would be smart to hire professionals who can Remove Animals from Attic and then use some expanding foam insulation or copper mesh to seal these gaps and close off any entryway for insects and rodents.

Consider Using Homemade Repellents

Something unorthodox, but highly effective if you have an ant problem. Most ants don't pose a significant threat or harm to you or your family, but they can get very hostile and annoying if the colony has huge numbers. Ants are extremely hardworking, they will do everything in their power to get the food sources they need. 

That's why it's smart to use some white vinegar around the areas they patrol, it confuses them and gets rid of the trail that they leave behind. You can mix it up with two cups of water and ten drops of peppermint, you could also use eucalyptus oil if you don't like the smell. These simple and homemade repellents can stop insects from entering places in your kitchen that you don't want them infesting without risking poisoning your pets or children.

Get Rid of All The Moisture

A lot of insects and other pests love the damp and wet areas in or around your home, and so it's crucial to reduce all the spots that have a lot of moisture. Places that have some of your mulch and rocks that are likely to create moist areas; the insects start breeding and multiplying then they spread closer to your home, entering through crevices, windows, cracks, and tight gaps. Wetness and moisture can come from flower beds and decayed roots, or plants, so be sure to get rid of those. 

Check if there are any leaking pipes in your basements that could cause more dampness that these pests like. Investing in a dehumidifier (see Dehumidifier Critic) can solve a lot of these problems as they remove the humidity from the air that is the primary cause of dampness, to begin with.

How To Protect Your Home From Pests, Pests Control, Pests, Tips & Tricks, How To, Home & Living, Home, Lifestyle
Be Careful With Your Firewood
[ photo: pexels by rawpixel ]

Be Careful With Your Firewood

Most homeowners have a lot of wood lying around, whether it's for outside hobbies or their fireplace inside. Pests are attracted to wood and could cause a lot of problems, so it would be wise to store it somewhere far from your house; maybe a shed in your backyard can solve this issue. You could also sprinkle some cloves or leftover coffee grounds on your wood- most pests don't like strong scents so they wouldn't come close to anything that has sprinkles of anything pungent.

Make Use of an Old Remedy

Another homemade solution you could go for is to peel some onions, then mix them with water in a bowl. You can keep the bowl in different areas or entryways where you suspect insects like spiders are entering your house. It's an easy and simple solution, but it's highly effective against different insects.

Baffles Can Come In Handy

If you have rodents bothering your pets, ruining your garden, or raiding your trash cans, then you can use some baffles to prevent the entry of any mice, squirrels, or raccoons. You can attach them to your posts and poles to keep them from climbing in through your fenced gardens. It's a great option to deter any outside nuisance from rodents, protecting your plants or pets in the process.

Remember To Vacuum

Some insects that can enter your home aren't noticeable with the naked eye, so remember to vacuum all your furniture, beds, and carpets thoroughly to get rid of all the dust particles and avoid an infestation of dust mites.

Everyone hates it when there is a pest problem in their homes, spreading everywhere inside and outside in your backyard. The amount of discomfort they bring is just a nuisance, and some of them can be dangerous for your health and well-being. So follow all the needed steps to keep them all outside, leaving your family and home well protected.

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