
Traveling with Fishing Gear: Try Something Different

Traveling with Fishing Gear: Try something different

Fishing is your favorite pastime activity. You frequently go to your local fishing spot. But over time you are bored with fishing in your local lakes or waterbody. Now, you are planning something more adventurous.

Traveling with Fishing Gear: Try Something Different
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You want a long road trip or going to abroad by plane for fishing. But how could you pack your fishing gear along with your traveling bag when it is about traveling by car or plane. Let’s find out how to traveling with fishing gear.

We have divided our tips into two categories. In one category, we will discuss traveling with fishing gear while going to a distant place by plane. And in another category we will cover, traveling with fishing gear on road trips.

Carrying your fishing gear while traveling by plane 

It is a completely different scenario when you are flying with your favorite fishing gear. This is because unlike road trips, rules and regulations are different in case of air traveling. So, let’s first see the tips for carrying fishing gear on the plane.

Get confirmation from Airline authority 

It may appear to be a bit redundant procedure, but if you need to take an airplane to reach your next fishing destination, you must call airline authority. By calling them, you need to get confirmation regarding what type of fishing gear they allow.

Some airline companies allow travel rods and lure on the plane. So, you can carry these gears easily. But what if they barred these items at your entry? It will be quite frustrating if you cannot take your fishing rod or lure with you. Your flying to the destination will be meaningless without your fishing gear.

Another critical point here is as we stated earlier that some airliners allow fishing rod on board, but you need to know from them the maximum length of the fishing rod they allow. Usually, airliners allow rod length up to 115 inches long

Fishing Reels 

Airliners do not have any problem with carrying fishing reels. So, you can carry them without any problem. 

But the problem is with fishing line. It is because there is no specific rule regarding the fishing line. Whether you can carry a fishing line or not depends on TSA agent. TSA is the abbreviated term for transportation security administration of the USA.

According to traveling anglers who frequently fly on air, you have no problem carrying fishing line while flying within the United States. But in case of the International flight, you will undergo intense scrutiny regarding fishing line.

Fishing hooks 

Like fishing reels, TSA agents allow carrying small size freshwater hooks. But the problem arises with large size fishing hooks that are used in deep seawater fishing. In the case of large-size fishing hooks, the decision solely depends on the TSA agent. And in most cases, it is highly unlikely that they will allow large deep-sea fishing hooks.


Tools up to 7 inches long are allowed. If line clippers, pliers zingers are below 7 inches long, they are allowed to carry. But in the USA the blade length of the scissor needs to be below 4 inches to declare it a legal tool to carry on board.

Now let’s change our discussion from traveling with fishing gear on air to road trip.

Traveling with fishing gear on road Trips 

When you are planning to reach your fishing destination by car; you need to negotiate a different type of problem. And that problem is fitting your fishing rod into your vehicle.

Fishing rods are usually 10 to 15 feet long. Accommodating such a large rod in your car is difficult. For example, you can carry the rod in an extended condition and try to help the fishing rod lengthwise in your vehicle by placing it between the driver and passenger seat. But carrying rods between driver and passenger may injure either driver or passenger.

Another way of taking long fishing rod is in your car's trunk. You can place the rod diagonally in your car’s trunk. But this way may break it down or you may find it difficult to set it up.

The solution to carry the fishing rod in a car safely is using ceiling hangers inside the vehicle. You can also take the rod in car roof racks.

Insuring your fishing gear 

On a fishing trip, your, fishing gear may break. You may lose all of your equipment on a sudden boat capsize. So, it is an excellent idea to insuring your expensive fishing gear.
Though it is difficult to find an insurance company for insuring your gear, there are some companies out there who know how to determine the price of your r equipment. So, find those companies and get insurance for your equipment. 
Renting fishing gear 

Sometimes carrying your fishing gear with you on a trip is not possible. It may happen if you don't have a spacious car to accommodate you're all of your fishing gear. However, you discover a great fishing destination, and you don't want to miss fishing there. So, what is the way out?

One simple solution is to check the area whether that area has any fishing gear hiring facility. If the area has such a facility, you can hire fishing gear and enjoy some fishing there.

Acquiring a license before a fishing trip 

Fishing in a foreign land or in your own area may require prior approval before fishing. If you don't, you could be charged with a heavy fine. So, don’t forget to do your research before your next trip.


Traveling with fishing gear, particularly on air, seems to be complicated. Similarly, carrying fishing gear on a long road trip is not so easy. However, if you follow our above tips, we expect you will face no difficulty in your fishing trip. 

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