
Is Raw Food Diet Good for Your Dog?

Is Raw Food Diet Good for Your Dog?

Dogs are man’s best friend, and more often than not, man will find a way for their best friend to live a life just as good as man does. Which means whatever the human has their furry friend should have too. Meal preps and diets aren’t just for people; they are also for dogs. But what exactly does a dog’s diet consist of? Are there specific things a dog can and should eat? Also, what are the food items a dog shouldn’t eat? Is raw food diet good for your dog, or should kibble be the only option? Read on to learn more.

pet, pet food, raw food for pet, lifestyle
Is Raw Food Diet Good for Your Dog?
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A nutritious, a balanced diet is important for your canine buddy. It’s important to remember that all dogs are unique, and what diet might be fine for your friend’s dog may be completely inappropriate for your dog. Domesticated dogs are generally carnivorous animals that can occasionally eat food good for omnivores.

A dog’s nutrition is important for them to not only have beautiful looking coats but also for them to live longer, healthier lives. There is no set formula to achieve this; however, through the course of your furry friend’s life, you will learn how to prepare the best meal one can offer to a dog.

Commercial dog food or kibble may not look like much, but many accredited vets and the American College of Veterinary Nutrition can vouch for these meals. It is important to give the dog its necessary meal that is appropriate for their stage of life. 

This is why commercial dog food labels their food accordingly from puppy to adult dog food and occasionally labels them by breed and size of the dog as well. One can choose either dry or wet food options of commercial dog food as these two can be given separately or mixed to provide what is best for your dog’s needs at the time. 

Dry food is known to be great for dog’s teeth while wet food is great for dogs that don’t drink much water. Dog treats can also be used for positive reinforcement training. Subscription boxes like the Dapper Dog Box can give you different options should you want to try different treats for your dog when doing so.

A raw dog food diet consists of uncooked meat, which is often muscle and organ meat with whole or crushed bones, fruits, vegetables, raw eggs, and even some dairy. Racing greyhounds and sled dogs have long eaten raw food diets, and this has slowly come around to being the go-to diet for some pet owners. The options for raw dog food in the UK are plenty and can be used for a balanced pet diet.

The idea of feeding raw food to house pets was proposed in 1993 by Australian veterinarian Ian Billinghurst who called it the BARF, or biologically appropriate raw food (also bones and raw food), diet. There are important key factors that a pet owner should consider before introducing their pooch to a raw dog food diet, which are as follows:

1. Choose human-grade meat. There may be some pet meat and bone products that contain preservatives that can be bad for your dog’s health.

2. Practice good food hygiene to decrease the risk of you or your dog getting a food-borne bacterial infection such as campylobacter or salmonella.

3. Consult with a veterinary nutritionist so they can formulate the diet for you. Many raw diets are not balanced appropriately for the current stage of the dog’s life or for their specific medical conditions.

4. Avoid cooked bones or toxic substances such as onion sauces that may be present on the meat. A small amount of cooked meat like boiled chicken or lamb is a better option.

There are many benefits when putting a dog through the raw food diet - shinier and healthier coats, healthy-looking skin, cleaner teeth and breath, higher energy levels, and smaller manageable stools. Of course, this can only be achieved when the appropriate steps are taken and you take into account the unique characteristics your dog can have.

Dogs can be introduced to different kinds of diets for as long as they adhere to it. It is also important to introduce new diets to dogs gradually so their delicate stomachs won’t become upset. Remember to consult your vet at all times when introducing any new food item to your dog!

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