
Sajian Nusantara @ Curate, Four Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur

Hey! we were at Curate for Ramadan buffet recently, have you tried their buffet spread? I would say, they’re one of the top, this year Four Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur presents a culinary journey across Asia including flavors of Malaysia, curated by celebrity Chef Dato’ Fazley Yaakob with Executive Chef Junious Dickerson. You must try the Dulang Nusantara, combination Chef’s specialty with nasi hujan. If you are looking for healthier options there are also wide selections of salads, humus and ulams available. 

Sajian Nusantara, curate, Four Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Fousr Seasons Hotel, Ramadan 2019, Ramadan Buffet Review, Food
Sajian Nusantara @ Curate, Four Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur

From 6 May to 4 June, the Chefs will take center-stage at the show kitchen of Curate, the Hotel’s lively all-day restaurant. 

Sajian Nusantara, curate, Four Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Fousr Seasons Hotel, Ramadan 2019, Ramadan Buffet Review, Food
From left to right: Chef Dato’ Fazley Yaakob and Executive Chef Junious Dickerson

Chef Fazley, known for his exceptional culinary talent since his student days at Le Cordon Bleu (Paris), began his star-studded career when he won MasterChef Celebrity Malaysia in 2012. He has followed this up with numerous other milestones, including the Most Distinguished Le Cordon Bleu Alumni (Paris) and the Golden Chef Award at the Malaysia International Gastronomy Awards 2018.

Sajian Nusantara, curate, Four Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Fousr Seasons Hotel, Ramadan 2019, Ramadan Buffet Review, Food
Dulang Nusantara

The MUST Try! Dulang Nusantara comes with the combination of ayam pop sambal hijau, daging salai lemak cili api, paru goreng, bergedil, kerabu kacang botol, ikan masin, sambal minang and telur with nasi hujan panas rendang. Chef Fazley’s signature menu promises guests a celebration to remember, bringing together flavors from Thailand, Indonesia, China, India and of course Malaysia. 

Sajian Nusantara, curate, Four Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Fousr Seasons Hotel, Ramadan 2019, Ramadan Buffet Review, Food
Chicken Mandhi

Sajian Nusantara, curate, Four Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Fousr Seasons Hotel, Ramadan 2019, Ramadan Buffet Review, Food
Healthier choices: a wide selection of salad, hummus, ulams and fruits

Sajian Nusantara, curate, Four Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Fousr Seasons Hotel, Ramadan 2019, Ramadan Buffet Review, Food
Stalls serving pasembur mamak, peking duck, roast duck, chicken rice, popiah basah, roast lamb and more

Sajian Nusantara, curate, Four Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Fousr Seasons Hotel, Ramadan 2019, Ramadan Buffet Review, Food
Whole roast lamb

Sajian Nusantara, curate, Four Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Fousr Seasons Hotel, Ramadan 2019, Ramadan Buffet Review, Food
Seafood Station

Besides these, you can also enjoy a varieties of cuisines such as Chinese, Indian, Arabic, Italian and more. I also love their fresh seafood station with a good selections of fresh huge oysters, scallops, flower crabs, cray fish, prawns, mussles and more. 

Sajian Nusantara, curate, Four Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Fousr Seasons Hotel, Ramadan 2019, Ramadan Buffet Review, Food
Middle Estern desserts and sweets

Sajian Nusantara, curate, Four Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Fousr Seasons Hotel, Ramadan 2019, Ramadan Buffet Review, Food
Malay and nyonya kuih 

I love the ambience here, the bright, comfy and airy interiors of Curate, it’s a wonderful dining experience with friends and family while cherished food customs in different Asian cultures together.

Sajian Nusantara, curate, Four Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Fousr Seasons Hotel, Ramadan 2019, Ramadan Buffet Review, Food
Many types of dates from various countries 

For corporate groups or guests seeking a more exclusive setting, the Hotel would be delighted to arrange a private and personalized celebration, combining the true essence of Sajian Nusantara with renowned Four Seasons hospitality.

Chef Fazley’s signature menu will be available every evening at MYR178nett per person from 6th to 12th May and at MYR 208nett from 13th May to 4th June. Early bird discount of 20% is available for bookings made before 21 April 2019 with 50% deposits for 6th to 12th May, 2019.

Sajian Nusantara, curate, Four Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Fousr Seasons Hotel, Ramadan 2019, Ramadan Buffet Review, Food
Curate @ Four Seasons Kuala Lumpur Hotel

Curate @ Four Seasons Kuala Lumpur Hotel
Location: 145, Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Reservation: +603 2382 8630

For more information about Sajian Nusantara @ Curate, Four Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur, please visit
Facebook: @FourSeasonsKualaLumpur
Instagram: @fskualalumpur


  1. the seafood section looks especially appetizing. Such a spread!

  2. bestnye.. menu menarik suasana pun best..

  3. wahhh nampak betul-betul sedaplah :)

  4. Banyak pilihan kan.. semuanya menarik..

  5. omg! I love all the buffet spread menu, and they even have arabian pastries.

  6. Dekorasi dia cantik.. Tempat menarik.. Best dpt berbuka dekat sini ni.. Mkanan lun nampak sedap semuanyaa

  7. Wah ada Dato Fazli, sy pernah makan hasil air tangan Dato fazli ni? Suka tgk dia masak depan-depan :) murah dgn senyuman

  8. Found your post interesting to read. I cant wait to see your post soon. Good Luck for the upcoming update.This article is really very interesting and effective.

    delhi tenders

  9. menu dr mmg best2, lain dari yang lain !

  10. Woahhh dato fazley.. Last jumpa dia masa dia dtg kolej dulu.. Tergoda tgk kuih muih tu

  11. banyak pilihan juada yang ada. mesti ramai yang pilih untuk ke sana.

  12. Wow.. So ada chef Fazley.. I minat giler tgk cara dia masak sejak masak masterchef dulu..

  13. Ada banyak pilihan kat sini kan..

  14. wow! dato fazley chef this sajian? love it..must try

  15. woww.. semua menu-menu nampak menyelerakan.. chef Fazley ni memang terror masak.. tak hairan la semua menu pun macam delicious je TB tengok

  16. Fulang Nusantara dan Chicken Mandhi tu nampak sedap pulak. Bolehlah try makan kat sini nanti

  17. Wow.. Bestnya menu menu dia. Beruntunga siapa dapat ke sana ..


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