
How to Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude When the Going Gets Tough

We try and adopt an attitude of gratitude in all we do, and every interaction. But when the going gets tough, it can be hard to hold on to this when the last thing you are feeling is grateful. Journaling will be the first step towards owning these feelings, and setting up the framework in which you can operate with an attitude of gratitude. It is also about identifying these unwelcome feelings, and finding out why they rear their ugly heads. To set yourself on a course of gratitude, start adopting these practices when the going gets tough.

How to Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude When the Going Gets Tough

Keep it together

Easier said than done? Of course it is. Thankfully, you can get your hands on a thoughtfully created 2019 diary by Saint Belford which will safeguard you against throwing in the towel. With space to schedule self-care, track your habits and revisit your goals, you’ll be reminded to reconnect with yourself and course correct where necessary.

Take the time to populate your diary with your goals, plans and areas that you think need some attention so that you can revisit these intentions at any time and celebrate your progress. The diary encourages self-care, self reflection and reinforces positive habits, so let this be your guiding force. Consider how far you’ve come and express your gratitude for the factors that have contributed to your progress.

Understand the signs

We all have our triggers. Challenges and difficult circumstances can emerge in our personal and professional lives. The trick is to identify these signs, and start your gratitude practice preemptively so that you are not going down that dark and lonely road. When you notice those prickly feelings, stop what you are doing and relax for a moment, maybe do something enjoyable or mindful for a couple of moments. When you feel yourself calming, address the situation again and see if you can proceed. You may need to pause again, and revisit your self-care practices to refocus.

Identify the why

Why do I feel the way I do? The million dollar question, and one that doesn’t need to go unanswered. It’s all well and good to know how to make these feelings subside, but we must also look to where they have come from and why. If these feelings come about on a Sunday evening before starting the working week, perhaps you need to address your place of work or role and consider if that still brings you joy. Perhaps you feel this way after select social encounters. Maybe you are in a circle of friends that is not adding value to your life. Instead, they are making you feel negative and unmotivated. Identify the why and start unpacking these reasons. Some may have easy fixes, and others may require an entire lifestyle change.

Tough times are hard to think about, and even harder to address. If you wish to cultivate an attitude of gratitude, you need to set in motion ways to deal with these feelings and how to manage them for the future. The art of gratitude journaling will serve you well, as the reflective nature promotes thought provoking insights. Understanding the signs and identifying the why will improve your emotional intelligence, allowing you to live a life of gratitude and acceptance.

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