
What is MCT Oil for Ketogenic?

Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) are composed of a group of six to ten saturated fatty acids. MCTs differ from short-chain and long chain fatty acids in chemical composition. Short-chain fatty acids (SCTs) contain a maximum of six carbon atoms with long chain fatty acids (LCTs) having 13 to 21 carbon atoms. In contrast, MCTs are made of between 6 and 12 carbon atoms. 

In regards to Ketogenic diets, the body absorbs MCTs in a manner similar to carbohydrates. Besides, MCTs bypass the lymphatic system thus avoiding rapid metabolization in contrast to LCTs. By doing so, MCTs provide the body a rich source of ketones rather than glucose. Given that, MCT oils help initiate ketosis by eliminating errors commonly found in the absorption of carbohydrates. Read on to learn more about MCT oils:

What is MCT Oil for Ketogenic

Incorporating MCT Oils in Your Ketogenic Diet

As the liver easily absorbs MCTs, you can facilitate faster ketosis by following the steps below:

Step 1: Avoid Breakfast

If you need to get your body back into a fat burning state after a break, a regimen of MCT oils and fasting is essential. For instance, you could consume low carb foods, skip dinner, and breakfast altogether. You can do so by adding a few grams of MCT oil into your coffee when heading out. A dose of MCT oils combined with a fasted state helps your body resume ketosis faster than nutritional dieting.

Step 2: Replace Meals with MCT Oils

Though similar to Step 1, this step entails substituting one of your regular Ketogenic diets with MCT Oils. These oils act as a replacement for glycogen as well as helping satiate your appetite quickly. In the 21st century’s fast-paced lifestyle, many people remain in ketosis by relying on their favorite MCT oils and powders.

Step 3: Supplement Your Ketogenic Diet with MCT Oils

MCT oils are amazing in their versatility. To keep your salad meals a 100% ketogenic, for example, you could use MCT oils as a dresser for your salads. Doing so ensures that you keep burning fats even after consuming your greens. Besides, you could use MCT oils to replace your regular baking oil. Numerous keto baking MCT oil based recipes are available in the market, so why don’t you try one that you fancy.
Benefits of MCT Oils

Being easily absorbed by the body, MCT oils are beneficial to people suffering from malabsorption, for example, Crohn’s disease. Besides, MCT oils are suitable for people without a gallbladder. Though most individuals believe that MCTs can lead to weight, the opposite is true. A 2001 study established that MCTs facilitate weight loss in humans. 

In this study, participants who received MCT oils for 12 weeks lost 2 more pounds than those who didn’t. However, other studies give different conclusions. Nonetheless, the metabolic and hormonal benefits of MCT oils are generally impressive.

In conclusion, you should not consider MCTs as a miracle ketogenic supplement. But evidence indicates that MCTs are anti-obesity and may increase your ketosis if used consistently. For those avidly interested in MCTs, you should self-experiment to gauge the beneficial properties of these oils.

1 comment:

  1. I was amazed in this idea. Is that okay for the person who has hyperacidity/acid reflux? And what are some common side effects on it? Thank you for sharing your article!


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