
Common Causes Of Snoring And How To Avoid It

Common Causes Of Snoring And How To Avoid It

When you are sleeping and air flows past the relaxed tissues in your throat, it can cause the tissues to vibrate when you breathe. This is what causes you to snore. Some people snore occasionally, and for others, snoring is a chronic problem.

What Causes Snoring?

There are several reasons that a person snores. Some of the conditions cause chronic snoring, while others can cause you to snore occasionally.

The Anatomy of Your Mouth

Your soft palate is low and thick, it can create a narrow airway. If a person is overweight, they often have extra tissue located in the back of their throat that can create a narrow airway. Finally, if the triangular piece of tissue that hangs from the soft palate, also known as the uvula, is elongated, the airway can become obstructed causing you to snore. If the anatomy of your mouth is the cause for your snoring, it can be a chronic problem.

Nasal Problems

If you suffer from chronic nasal congestion or if the partition between your nostrils is crooked, also known as a deviated nasal septum, it can cause you to be a chronic snorer.

Sleep Position

If you are a back sleeper, there is a good chance that you are a snorer as well. When you lay on your back, the gravity's effect on the throat can cause the throat to narrow which can obstruct your airway.

Sleep Deprivation

When you finally sleep after being up for a long period of time, it can cause your throat to relax too much which can cause you to snore.

Excessive Alcohol Consumption

If you drink too much alcohol, it can relax your throat muscles and also decrease your body's natural defense against airway obstruction. This can cause you to snore.

What Are the Treatments For Snoring?

If you don't sleep alone, snoring can be bothersome to your partner. If you snore loudly, it can be bothersome to the people who sleep in nearby rooms. Fortunately, there are a few treatments for snoring whether it is chronic or occasional.

Lose Weight

If you lose weight, you will also lose the extra tissue in the back of your throat. This will open up your airway when you sleep.

Treat Your Nasal Issues

If you are snoring due to a stuffed up nose, you should take a nasal decongestant before bed. You can also try a breathing strip that fits over your nose when you go to sleep. If your snoring problem is due to a deviated septum, you might want to consider surgery to repair it.

Stop Sleeping on Your Back

If back sleeping is your problem, try sleeping on your side or your stomach.

Oral Appliances

Oral appliances are the best treatment for snoring. They are form-fitting dental mouthpieces that can change the position of your tongue, jaw, and your soft palate so that your air passages remain open. If you are considering an oral appliance to help you stop snoring, you can either talk to your dentist or visit Alternatively, you can book a consultation with Slim Dental in Rockefeller center to learn more about snoring treatments.

Get 8 Hours of Sleep Each Night

To avoid snoring due to sleep deprivation, you should try to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night.

Avoid Alcohol Around Bedtime

If you find that you only snore when you drink, you should think about avoiding alcohol before bedtime. If possible, stop drinking three to four hours before you go to bed.

Snoring can make sleeping difficult for you and for those around you. Fortunately, there are treatments available to help you and your family get a quiet night's sleep.

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