
Sweat More & Burn More Calories with Panaz Slimming Pants

Wootz! Finally got myself a pair of Panaz Slimming Pants; that helps me to sweat more and burn more calories during my daily activities and workout. It is a sweat booster pants that is suitable to wear anytime and anywhere.

Sweat More & Burn More Calories with Panaz Slimming Pants

Well let’s get to know about Panaz, the brand is founded in 2015 and originated from our local language ‘Panas’ which means hot. Panaz Slimming Pants is a heatwear that increases our body heat and accelerates calories burning to achieve weight loss, performance boost, and better fitness results.

Panaz Slimming Pants

The materials consists of 3 layers, the outer layer is high quality fabric sculpted to our body curves; the middle layer is the warming material with heat retention to burn fats, and the  inner layer in an intelligent fabric that absorb sweat to keep our skin comfortable. The fabric / material of the pants are thinner compared to other brands and it is more suitable to wear under the hot weather in Malaysia.

Casual day out with Panaz Slimming Pants helps to burn more calories when I walk

Well I wore it to event, it looks like leggings and I paired it with a shirt. It looks great and at the same time help me to burn calories faster, isn’t it awesome. The pants is stretchable and moderately comfortable to wear it for a few hours. Plus it comes with pocket design and suitable for all kind of activities. To me it is quite comfortable and I just feel that I am wearing tight pants with heat material to make me sweat more.

Wearing Panaz Slimming Pants during workout helps to sweat more and burn more calories

After the event I continued to wear it to the gym and workout. During the workout session I sweat more than often and I can feel the my lower abdomen are wet after the workout session, but the material prevents the sweat from sipping through. So I can only feel the sweat inside not on the outside of the pants. Since the material is stretchable I have the mobility to perform all the workout and stretching that I wanted.

Panaz Wash Care Instructions

Panaz Wash Care Instructions
Hang to Dry
Hand Wash
Do not use washing machine
Do not Soak
Do not Wring
Do not Iron
Do not use Dryer
Do not Bleach

Sweat More & Burn More Calories with Panaz Slimming Pants

Overall the Panaz Slimming Pants boost sweat experience during my workout as well as my daily activities. I feel that my inner and back thighs are slightly toned. It is also helps to shape up the flabby body parts. It is recommended to wear at least 3 to 5 hours every day for better results. Plus to get maximum results or boost sweat experience, we can wear the Panaz Slimming Pants during our workout session. The pants is suitable for everyone who wish to sweat and slim down. It is available from size S up to 4XL, plus it is available in big size too. 

For more information about Sweat More & Burn More Calories with Panaz Slimming Pants, please visit Panaz Malaysia Facebook 


  1. I'm looking for something similar for my exercise routine too, will check out this brand :)

  2. It actually looks really trendy on you. ahha. I wonder if i can handle the heat like you can :D

  3. I wish someone can exercise for me. You're quite a health nut aren't you?! See you soon Kelly! :)

  4. You looks good wearing it and amazed that you can actually wear this as your fashion wear.

  5. You pull it off very well Kels and it looks great on you :) What a perfect pairing for excersize too.

  6. I like how it burns off the fat even without breaking a sweat at the gym. It is also like a pair of fashion pants, that's what I love about it, too.

  7. Not sure if I can stand the heat. Looks good on you.

  8. The pants look good to burn up my fat. Will get 1 to try it out.

  9. I like it versatile function to wear for daily activities and sports! Helps maximize our sweat process too =D

  10. Can see the material is really can make you Panaz~~~~ >.<

  11. i like this pants.. at first i thought it would be uncomfortable but when worn, it feels just so comfy

  12. Looking good in Panaz and I heard so many great reviews about the pant too


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