
EnviroHome Body Wash & Facial Cleanser Review

Nowadays we are more aware of the toxic and chemicals in the products that we use or consume daily due to the vast informayion online. We opt for more natural products that contain less chemicals which harmful to our health. Recently I discovered a new product that doesn’t use preservation, antiseptic, surfactant and other chemical substance that are poisonous to us, EnviroHome personal care products for the whole family that focuses on building a greener home

EnviroHome Body Wash & Facial Cleanser Review

Well, we find that all EnviroHome products not only provides a safe, healthy and easy task for cleaning purposes but it also cares for the global environment as not to damage the ecology system by not using any chemical substance at the same time using recyclable material that can be recycled entirely. Their product packaging is simple and not too exaggerated that does not cause excessive packaging costs.

EnviroHome Body Wash, 520g @ RM56

EnviroHome Body Wash, 520g @ RM56

This is a very gentle and chemical-free body cleanser that is suitable for all skin types including sensitive skin. The texture is transparent liquid and when lather with water it doesn’t really have bubbles. There is a light scent of soothing lavender and rosemary oil. This body wash is formulated with natural ingredients that help to clean dirt and bacteria, removing sweat and smells on your body without stripping our body natural moisture at the same its relaxing. 

EnviroHome Body Wash texture, color and scent

I like the feeling of my clean soft skin and it is not drying to my skin. Plus it helps to cleanse away the bacteria that cause body odor. The rosemary oil has the benefits of soothe and heal wound, eczema, atopic dermatitis and fungal infection.

EnviroHome Body Wash

I use is day and night, for shower I usually pump on my palm, lather with water and apply on my whole body then rinse well. If for bath, I will pour a small amount of the body wash into the bathtub of warm water and soak for about 10 minutes then towel dry.

EnviroHome Facial Cleanser, 180g @ RM69

EnviroHome Facial Cleanser, 180g @ RM69

This is a must-have item for busy working urbanites, mothers and travellers. EnviroHome Facial Cleanser is a gentle facial cleanser that can cleanse makeup, impurities and dirt in one step. The texture is transparent liquid with no or barely there scent. It is eco-friendly and doesn’t contain harmful chemical and toxic additives.                                          
Dispense 2 pumps on my palm and then gently massage on my whole face and neck after than rinse with water. It is suitable for all skin type including sensitive skin. 

EnviroHome Facial Cleanser Texture and Color

After cleansing I feel that my skin is smooth and there is not tightening or drying feel. It contains a blend of botanical essential oil that gives hydration to the skin and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Long term usage will helps to improve skin quality and radiance.

Kindly take note for EnviroHome Body wash and Facial Cleanser after the bottle is opened for use due to physical restoration of natural mineral crystals after evaporation, it is normal for white crystals to appear on the nozzle and its side.

All EnviroHome products do not contains paraben, chemicals, preservatives, colouring, fragrance, bubble, silicon and toxic. It’s all 100% natural ingredients, mineral extracts, botanical essential oils, 99.9% biodegradable, antibacterial, antibiotic, eco-friendly and possess Singapore Green Label Scheme

EnviroHome Body Wash and Facial Cleanser Review

Overall I find that EnviroHome personal care products are very gentle, mild and easy to use plus it work to improve my skin texture and give me a healthier skin. These are the products that I can have a peace of mind when I use them because it’s free from harmful chemical. If you are a green and natural products advocate perhaps you should check out their products at their website. EnviroHome has personal care and also household products that is free from harmful chemicals and safe for the whole family especially children.

For more information about EnviroHome Body Wash & Facial Cleanser, please visit EnviroHome Website and Facebook page


  1. Looks like good products. I like the 100% natural ingredients.

  2. I've not heard about this brand before but I am on the look out for all-natural products. I'd love to try these myself. Thanks fro recommending.

  3. nice product...does it suitable for men?

  4. seems like a great product! Is it newly launched? Can get in local drugstores? :)


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