
All Suit Up and Ready by Sarto Di Moda

All Suit Up for convention, meeting, focus group brain storming and then after work drinks. Well these kind of days don’t happen that often but when it does, I have to make sure that I am all prepared inside out and make an impact. It’s time to get those budgets, proposals and etc approve. Kind of stressful day but over the years I get used to it, part and parcel of corporate life. 

All Suit Up and Ready by Sarto di Moda

Some say that wearing a suit makes people think differently… true and not true. To me it depends on the situations and also the environment. For example, those who work in the digital industry formal attire or suit is not necessary in the board meeting. Unlike those working in the corporate, banking, legal or financial industry then it’s necessary.

However it is always better to be overdressed than underdressed. Of course, dressing to the occasion is the best and also showing respect to the host. 

One should at least have a set of suit. The satisfaction and pleasure to own a piece of supreme hand crafted to fit my size, shape and specification from Sarto di Moda is overwhelming.

 Fitting Session with Mr Vik, tailor from Thailand @ Sarto di Moda

Feeling confident and comfort in my new set of custom made suit and shirt from Sarto di Moda by Mr Vik, the well-known tailor from Thailand.

 Fitting Session ~ measurement taking

I got my measurements, fitting, chose the materials, design and specifications when Mr Vik was on his visiting trip to Kuala Lumpur few weeks ago.

 Fitting Session ~ choosing the material & design

After taking the measurements and discussing with Mr Vik what kind of suit that I am looking for. He gave us some very useful and practical suggestions of the designs and material that goes well at the same time able to match the occasions.

I decided to go for black with tuxedo style using a more subtle material for my suit. As for my shirt I chose the light blue with very light dotted lines instead of white because I have to many white shirt already. 

Done with choosing the materials, then come the personalize details such as collar, sleeves, with cufflinks or not, buttons, initials and etc. My Vik took all our information and specification back to Bangkok. I can’t wait for my suit to arrive in Kuala Lumpur.

Tadah!!! finally I received my parcel and in time to wear it for my important meeting. I am amazed by the details and craftsmanship of Sarto di Moda. The suit and shirt fit me perfectly. I look sleek and slim in the black suit. It’s perfect for work and also functions. The materials are breathable so I feel comfortable wearing them all day.

I personally think that woman wearing a well-tailored power suit with substance (brain) and still be able to exude her femininity aura is sexy. It gives me the sense confident and empowerment at the same time doesn’t lose my feminine identity.

And custom made suits and shirts with personalization at an affordable price are definitely a booster.

Well if you wish to get yourself some tailored made suits, shirts, pants or skirts you can either visit Sarto di Moda boutique in Bangkok or meet him on his next visiting trip to Malaysia in March 2017.

Sarto di Moda
2, Soi 11 Sukhumvit Road
Bangkok 1010, Thailand.

Contact: +66-081-906 9310 (Vik) +66-089-812 0081 (Prem)


  1. Looking great and stylish after wearing the suits dear!! I never been on a full suit before =)

  2. Ah must visit Sarto di Moda boutique in my next BKK trip. you look like a successful CEO in the suit :)

  3. You look totally different, and yes agree with you, working women do need a pair of suit that's fit well :)

  4. I love the cut and style! It is so Corporate and sophisticated

  5. It's good to always have a pair of formal suit made to fit! I think you look really smart in it Kels!

  6. wow....i wish to make one for myself!!I love your style!!

  7. wow, made to measured suits! looking really sleek there babe!

  8. Wow. looks good on you!! So stylish! i think I might go make one too. hahaha

  9. so classy. loving the suit on you :)


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