
Trip of Wonders 2016 – 11 Days in Indonesia

Hey Friday! Finally I reached airport, check-in and now I have some time for myself to rest, write and have a cup of latte waiting for my flight to Jakarta at KLIA lounge. So this time I am joining the South East Asia Bloggers on the Trip of Wonders 2016 for 11 Days in Indonesia from 22nd July till 1st August, 2016. We will be exploring Makassar, Lombok, Banyuwangi and Bandung.

Trip Of Wonders 2016, Wonderful Indonesia
Trip Of Wonders 2016, Wonderful Indonesia

Here are the highlights of the 11 days Trip of Wonders 2016 in Indonesia 

Makassar – easy trekking to Bantimurung National Park & Waterfall, snorkeling in Kodingareg Keke Island, visit Losari beach & Fort Rotterdam and experiencing Makassar local culinary.

Lombok – visit Sasak Sade traditional village, snorkeling around Gili Islands and experiencing local culinary.

Banyuwangi – midnight trekking to Ijen Crater (temperature around 4 to 10 degrees Celsius), exploring savanas in Baluran National Park (temperature around 28 to 32 degrees Celsius).

Bandung – easy trekking in Kawah Putih, watching Angklung Performance and experiencing local culinary. And at the end of the day, after all the activities, rest in a wonderful hotel."

Overall there will be a lot of outdoors and sports activities like trekking and snorkeling plus local culinary experiences. There will be about 40 bloggers and influencers from South East Asia on this Trip of Wonders 2016 in Indonesia. Bye Malaysia and hello Indonesia!  I'm already looking for my next place to stay in the country!

It can’t wait to share more photos and also my experience when I am there. Meanwhile you can check out more photos update on my Instagram at @sunshinekelly2988 , Facebook (Kelly Chin) and Facebook Page (Sunshine Kelly) hashtag #TripOfWonders #WonderfulIndonesia

For more information about Trip of Wonders 2016 – 11 Days in Indonesia, please visit Indonesia.Travel Facebook Page, Website and Instagram


  1. Woahhh! So lucky la you Kelly!! Bestnyaa.. can't wait for your update soon..

  2. Wow what a fantastic itinery you have got lined up. Can't wait for the next installment.

  3. Wow what a fantastic itinery you have got lined up. Can't wait for the next installment.

  4. Wow what a fantastic itinery you have got lined up. Can't wait for the next installment.

  5. I have only been to Indonesia once before and that was to Bali island. This is a nice interesting itinerary you have gone on, with trekking and cultural stops.

  6. I'm jealous. I hope to explore indonesia too. I'm planning to visit Mount Rinjani next year.

  7. Sounds like an exciting trip! It would be nice to plan a trip that involves a lot of activities outdoors. It's different from the usual luxurious trips. You'll definitely learn a lot from this experience!

  8. Hehe...someone is warming up for abundance fun galore! Trust you to come back and feed us with the goodies thereafter!

  9. OMG I can't wait to read all about your trip! All the locations look so great! :D

  10. These sites look very beautiful indeed. How did you get to travel to these? By taxicab or by a private van? We are also thinking of going on a trip around Indonesia.

  11. Saw some IG pics of bloggers about this trip! I think it must be really magical to visit Indonesia.

  12. You are so lucky to explore Indonesia in 11 days! For sure, more exciting photos and fidcoveries on your side. Enjoy traveling for it gives enjoyment and fun.

  13. Wow. Congrats!!! Eagerly looking forward for your daily travelogue!!

  14. Can't wait to hear your experience in Indonesia. 11 days is a lot! And you won't have language barrier because you know bahasa right?

  15. WHoah, 11 days stay is surely worth it. You just have to spend your time wisely. I'm sure you'll be sharing a lot of images from your stay. Can't wait to see it soon!

  16. Never been to Indonesia before.. BUt the view looks super amazing! 11 Days there is superbly relaxing! How I wish I could take a long breakie like this!


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