
My Pre-Festive Detox ByTara Nightrim Review

ByTara Nightrim Review, ByTara Fastrim, ByTara Nightrim, ByTara, Slimming, Collagen, Detox

How can we resist all the all scrumptious food during festive season? Tell me about it, I can’t and these few days I have been eating non-stop from house visiting, outing with the family, Christmas parties and all sorts. I see food everywhere I go and all of them look appealing to me. Die! I sure put on weight, did I? Being Malaysian food is part of our culture. Once a while I allowed myself to indulge, however I have prepared myself before the festive season and holiday start. Beginning of this month I started my slimming & detox journey with ByTara Fastrim  and Nightrim.

ByTara Nightrim Review, ByTara Fastrim, ByTara Nightrim, ByTara, Slimming, Collagen, Detox, Health Drink, Weight Management
ByTara Fastrim & ByTara Nightrim

As you know that I have reviewed the ByTara Fastrim in August and now I am back for my second round of slimming but this time combined with the newly launched ByTara Fastrim. For those who wish to know more about it you can check out my previous blog post here.

ByTara Nightrim Review, ByTara Fastrim, ByTara Nightrim, ByTara, Slimming, Collagen, Detox, Health Drink, Weight Management

Today I am going to share about my experience consuming the ByTara Nightrim. It is in powder form. 1 box there are 15 sachets and 15g per sachets. All I need to do is mix the Nightrim with room temperature water and stirred well. Then drink it right away. Alternatively we can use the shaker as well.

ByTara Nightrim Review, ByTara Fastrim, ByTara Nightrim, ByTara, Slimming, Collagen, Detox, Health Drink, Weight Management

The color of the drink is like greenish and orange. It’s has mango flavour and the texture of the drink is slightly thick. Consume straight away because if you leave it will become gelatin. For me it is not too bad, like mango juice. I drink it after my dinner and after that I do not eat anything anymore until the next morning.

ByTara Nightrim slimming & detox drink

Please take note, do not consume any food after you drink the Nightrim. This is to allow the drinks to work in your body more effectively. Do not take this drink during your menstruation and it is not suitable for pregnant lady. For best result please follow healthy lifestyle, exercise and drink at least 2500ml water a day.

On an off I have constipation problems so let’s try Nightrim and see does it work for me? My first 2 days there were no changes but I continue to take, on the third days in the morning I went to the toilet and do my big business (you know what I mean). There were like black things. Sound so disgusting right. Now I began to see the effect, on 4th till the 7th days same every morning I go to toilet to pass out all the toxins and they are black in colour. Yucks! Imagine I stored all that in my body for years.

ByTara Nightrim Review, ByTara Fastrim, ByTara Nightrim, ByTara, Slimming, Collagen, Detox, Health Drink, Weight Management

After taking the Nightrim and all those black toxic stuff out from my body, I feel that my body is lighter and my tummy is not bloated anymore. In between I also pass out air. Well the Nightrim is unlike laxative whereby we go to toilet non-stop or can’t control. I drink it at night and every morning I go to toilet, it is regular. So far I do not encounter any emergency situation that I have to rush to toilet when I am consuming the NightTrim.

ByTara Nightrim Review, ByTara Fastrim, ByTara Nightrim, ByTara, Slimming, Collagen, Detox, Health Drink, Weight Management

Not only that I also feel that I am more energetic since the toxins are out of my body the nutrients absorption will be more effective. Hey check out my flat tummy! Even all the parties and events food my weight do not go up still maintain at 50kg now. I guess this is my ideal weight or should I lose some more?

In the first week, you will expect to pass out more and its black in color. The second week its getting batter until you finished the 15 sachets. You can continue to see more results or just maintain it my taking 1 sachet on alternate day.

ByTara Nightrim Review, ByTara Fastrim, ByTara Nightrim, ByTara, Slimming, Collagen, Detox, Health Drink, Weight Management

ByTara Nightrim is from fruits and vegetables formula that can helps to improve our digestive system and provide a healthy bowel movement. It stimulate to remove the sludge from our colon walls and harmful toxins. For those who has constipation problems this may help plus it can help to reduce bad breath and body odor. 

ByTara Nightrim Review, ByTara Fastrim, ByTara Nightrim, ByTara, Slimming, Collagen, Detox, Health Drink, Weight Management

When the toxins is eliminate out from our body, we feel lighter, slimmer and more energetic our skin condition will improve also. For more slimming effectiveness you can take ByTara Fastrim in the morning and ByTara Nightrim at night. 

ByTara Nightrim Review, ByTara Fastrim, ByTara Nightrim, ByTara, Slimming, Collagen, Detox, Health Drink, Weight Management

Usage: For slimming and detoxification - take 1 sachet daily after meal at night. For detoxification and health maintaining – take 1 sachet every alternate day after meal at night.

Content: 15 sachets per box and each sachet is 15gm

Price: RM118 per box (buy 3 box free 1 box)

ByTara Nightrim Review, ByTara Fastrim, ByTara Nightrim, ByTara, Slimming, Collagen, Detox, Health Drink, Weight Management

For more information about ByTara Fastrim and Nightrim, please visit ByTara Malaysia


  1. I need the ByTara night trim this festive season because of overindulgence of all the sweet treats.

  2. It seems so suitable for me after the year end festive as I really ate a lot!!

  3. It looks like good to consume, for detox and slimming.. :)

  4. Is it available worldwide like in Manila? I will share this information with my girl friends

  5. Informative. new thing is for me. Great it you are feeling energetic. your height is great.

  6. Detox is great especially this season when festivities over food happen every day for the entire two weeks. Is the ByTara Nightrim approved by FDA?

  7. This is great with me, I have constipation problem and I need this kind of a drink. Same question with Roch, is this approved by FDA?

  8. I really need this to reduce my tummy fat!! Thanks for sharing this information^^

  9. I think I'll like this product. I'm set to do some detox in January after the holidays. How long can you take the Nighttrim? Can you take it everyday?

  10. Thanks for this. I need one after the holidays

  11. Ah, my wife should avail of this one, with the festive atmosphere she might bloat a little. ha,ha,ha...

  12. Wow! This is interesting! I've been wanting to lose weight before and the only food i eliminated is carbs. I wonder if we have this now in the Philippines?

  13. if this is avail in Manila, PH i will definitely try this and share this with my girl friends. :-)

  14. Ooohhh... will definitely need this, especially after all the Christmas dinners. =)

  15. Very interesting the way you describe the short term effects of this drink on you on the first week. I would like to try something like this if this was available here. Flushing out toxins is for everyone. How long do you need to maintain? What is their recommendation?

  16. I think I need this but I wish this doesn't have some side effects.

  17. You're looking great! Glad that it's effective for u.

  18. Oohhh.. so u are 50kg! :p
    I think u look fine with your current weight. Nice review and Happy New Year!

  19. Consuming the ByTara Nightrim seems like a great way of detoxing our body after the indulgence in delicious but fattening foods during the celebrations month. So I am also eager to try it and its mango flavor.

  20. I don't know if this is available here in our country but this is a promising product I would like to try. I love how it says "it stimulate to remove the sludge from our colon walls and harmful toxins". It's something I've never heard other trimming products offer.

  21. I think it's a great idea to do periodic cleanses, especially if it's safe and mild. This sounds like a good one.


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